Yarraman Holdings Pty. Ltd.

Status: Registered
Australian Company Number: 009680362
Australian Business Number: 65009680362
Registration date: 1957-06-05
Type: Australian proprietary company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Proprietary other
last updated


Yarraman Holdings Pty Ltd is a limited by shares, Australian proprietary company. This corporation was registered on 1957-06-05 and was issued with the 009680362 ACN. Its Australian Business Number is 65009680362. Since 2014-09-21, the company is headquartered in QLD, post code 4069. The previous headquarters were located in QLD 4069 (from 2014-01-12 to 2014-09-21), QLD 4069 (from 2000-03-31 to 2014-01-12). Yarraman Holdings Pty Ltd was registered for the GST on 2000-07-01. The above data comes from the ABN database which was updated on 2018-02-14. Aubiznet found 14 trademarks that mention this company. Trademark number 572258 was filed on 1992-02-12 and is categorised as "word" (application status: "removed, dead"). Other company trademarks include trademark number 791285 registered on 1999-04-16 in the "composite" category (application status/date: "registered, live", 1999-04-16); and trademark number 936462 registered on 2002-12-03 in the "word" category (application status/date: "registered, live", 2002-12-03).

Details for ABN 65009680362

Type: Australian Private Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 2000-03-31 current

Main Name

Name From To
Yarraman Holdings Pty. Ltd. 2000-06-02 current
Yarraman Holdings Pty Ltd 2000-03-31 2000-06-02

Main Location

Location From To
QLD 4069 2014-09-21 current
QLD 4069 2014-01-12 2014-09-21
QLD 4069 2000-03-31 2014-01-12

Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Status From To
Registered 2000-07-01 current


Company Trademarks

Trademark number: 572258

General information:
Application date: 1992-02-12
Lodgement date: 1992-02-12
Registered date: 1992-02-12
Live or dead: Dead
CPI status: Removed
Status: Removed - Not Renewed
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 1993-04-20
Sealing due date: 1993-09-01
Registered from date: 1992-02-12
Sealing date: 1993-09-01
Renewal due date: 1999-02-12
Court orders: No
Act1955 code: Registered
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Pewsey Peak
Examination report number: 3
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 32
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Beers; Mineral And Aerated Waters And Other Non-alcoholic Drinks; Fruit Drinks And Fruit Juices; Syrups And Other Preparations For Making Beverages; And All Beverages In This Class
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Angaston
Postcode: 5353
Australian state code: SA
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 327341
Agency code: MA
Transaction type: Address for service of the trademark
Suburb name: Adelaide
Postcode: 5001
Australian state codee: SA
Attorney type: Attorney
Country code: AU

Trademark number: 791285

General information:
Application date: 1999-04-16
Lodgement date: 1999-04-16
Registered date: 1999-04-16
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Registered
Status: Registered/Protected
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Composite
Acceptance due date: 1999-12-02
Sealing due date: 2001-02-14
Registered from date: 1999-04-16
Sealing date: 2000-12-21
Renewal due date: 2019-04-16
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Wrattonbully Wines Wrattonbully Shearers' Quarters C.1875
Device phrases: People Outside Building Or Factory,all In Ellipse
Examination report number: 3
Examination class count: 2
NICE class code: 35
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Services Relating To The Wholesale And Retail Sale Of Wines, Spirits, Fortified Wines And Liqueurs; Marketing Services Including Wine Tasting Services
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Angaston
Postcode: 5353
Australian state code: SA
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 391838
Agency code: OB
Transaction type: Opponent agent code in opposition
Suburb name: Melbourne
Postcode: 3001
Australian state codee: VIC
Attorney type: Attorney
Country code: AU
Oppositions and Hearings:
Status code: 99
Type: Opposition
Code: ST
Notice of Opposition lodged on: 2000-03-16
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Support: 2000-12-16
Application withdrawal date: 2000-12-08
Trade Marks act year: 1995
Status of the opposition: Finalised
Opposition record created on: 2002-08-25
Opposition record modified on: 2013-03-02
Opposition status data: Notice of Opposition|Due: 16-MAR-2000 |Lodged: 16-MAR-2000

Trademark number: 936462

General information:
Application date: 2002-12-03
Lodgement date: 2002-12-03
Registered date: 2002-12-03
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Registered
Status: Registered/Protected
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 2003-06-11
Sealing due date: 2003-12-26
Registered from date: 2002-12-03
Sealing date: 2003-10-09
Renewal due date: 2022-12-03
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: Online
Descriptive: Scribblers
Examination report number: 1
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 33
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Wines, Spirits And Liqueurs
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Angaston
Postcode: 5353
Australian state code: SA
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 327341
Agency code: MA
Transaction type: Address for service of the trademark
Suburb name: Adelaide
Postcode: 5001
Australian state codee: SA
Attorney type: Attorney
Country code: AU

Company Patents

Patent Application Number: 1991078030

General information:

Old Application Number: 78030/91

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: B65D 90/34
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006-01-01
Section code: B - performing operationstransporting
Class code: 65 - conveying; packing; storing; handling thin or filamentary material
Subclass code: D - containers for storage or transport of articles or materials, e.g. bags, barrels, bottles, boxes, cans, cartons, crates, drums, jars, tanks, hoppers, forwarding containers; accessories, closures, or fittings therefor; packaging elements; packages
Main group code: 90 - component parts, details or accessories for large containers (b65d0088340000-b65d0088780000; take precedence);;
Subgroup code: 34 - venting means
Mark type: First (ie Primary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2006-04-08
Classification type code: Reclassification
Classification source code: Machine using propagation

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PATADMIN
Mainframe patent number: 636986
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request date: 1992-02-19
Examination request filing date: 1992-08-18
Requested examination type: Full Examination Following Direction
First report issue date: 1993-02-18
Examination section: P
Expiry date: 2011-05-30
Earliest priority date: 1990-06-22
Acceptance Notice date: 1993-05-13
Sealing date: 1993-09-06
Effective patent date: 1991-05-30
Patent in force to: 1994-05-30

Early terminations:

Application status: Ceased
Reason description: Application Ceased
Published date: 1995-04-06

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QLD 4069 Location

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