Yakka Pty. Limited

Status: Registered
Address mentioned in a 2013 contract: 26 King William St , Broadmeadows
Australian Company Number: 004251852
Australian Business Number: 98004251852
Registration date: 1947/04/30
Type: Australian proprietary company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Proprietary other
last updated


Yakka Pty Limited is a limited by shares, Australian proprietary company. This corporation was registered on 1947-04-30 and was issued with the 004251852 ACN. Its Australian Business Number is 98004251852. Since 2017-07-11, the company is headquartered in VIC, post code 3207. The previous headquarters were located in VIC 3047 (from 2017-05-01 to 2017-07-11), VIC 3047 (from 2016-02-23 to 2017-05-01), and VIC 3047 (from 2014-09-21 to 2016-02-23). Yakka Pty Limited was registered for the GST on 2000-07-01. Yakka Pty Limited has been using the Yakka trading name since 2000-04-02 (it needs to be noted that the Australian Business Register no longer collects or updates trading names). In total the company used 1 trading name. The company has also used 5 business names, namely Hard Yakka Trade Centre from 2010-08-13 to 2011-07-01, Hard Yakka Trade Centre from 2010-08-01 to 2011-07-01 and Shared Apparel Services from 2003-05-28 to 2014-12-28. The above data comes from the ABN database which was updated on 2018-12-16. Aubiznet found 17 trademarks that mention this company. Trademark number 569482 was filed on 1991-12-17 and is categorised as "word" (application status: "removed, live"). Other company trademarks include trademark number 569483 registered on 1991-12-17 in the "word" category (application status/date: "removed, live", 1991-12-17); and trademark number 569484 registered on 1991-12-17 in the "word" category (application status/date: "removed, live", 1991-12-17).

Details for ABN 98004251852

Type: Australian Private Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 2000/04/02 current

Main Name

Name From To
Yakka Pty. Limited 2000/06/01 current
Yakka Pty Ltd 2000/04/02 2000/06/01

Business Names

Name From To
Hard Yakka Trade Centre 2010/08/13 2011/07/01
Hard Yakka Trade Centre 2010/08/01 2011/07/01
Shared Apparel Services 2003/05/28 2014/12/28
Stylecorp Corporate Wear 2001/11/20 2011/07/01
Worksite Clothing 2000/04/02 2006/01/11

Trading Names

Name From To
Yakka 2000/04/02 current

Main Location

Location From To
VIC 3207 2017/07/11 current
VIC 3047 2017/05/01 2017/07/11
VIC 3047 2016/02/23 2017/05/01
VIC 3047 2014/09/21 2016/02/23
VIC 3047 2014/01/12 2014/09/21
VIC 3047 2000/04/02 2014/01/12

Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Status From To
Registered 2000/07/01 current


Business names details

Worksite Clothing

Status Cancelled
Registration date 1997/09/11
Renewal date 2005/09/11
Cancelled date 2006/01/11
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier BN6636160
Former state territory QLD

Lee Jeans

Status Cancelled
Registration date 1994/01/05
Renewal date 1997/01/05
Cancelled date 1997/01/05
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 96999B
Former state territory TAS

The Lee Company

Status Cancelled
Registration date 1993/12/10
Renewal date 1996/12/10
Cancelled date 1996/11/26
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 97000B
Former state territory TAS

Lee Jeans

Status Cancelled
Registration date 1989/05/10
Renewal date 1998/05/10
Cancelled date 1996/08/02
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 0909860J
Former state territory VIC


Company Trademarks

Trademark number: 569482

General information:
Application date: 1991/12/17
Lodgement date: 1991/12/17
Registered date: 1991/12/17
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Removed
Status: Removed - Not Renewed
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 1993/05/27
Sealing due date: 1993/11/23
Registered from date: 1991/12/17
Sealing date: 1993/11/23
Renewal due date: 2008/12/17
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Career Apparel
Examination report number: 1
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 25
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: All Goods In This Class Other Than Footwear; Articles Of Clothing (other Than Footwear) Including Trousers, Shirts, Coats And Uniforms
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Hawthorn
Postcode: 3122
Australian state code: VIC
Country code: AU

Trademark number: 569483

General information:
Application date: 1991/12/17
Lodgement date: 1991/12/17
Registered date: 1991/12/17
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Removed
Status: Removed - Not Renewed
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 1994/05/18
Sealing due date: 1994/09/20
Registered from date: 1991/12/17
Sealing date: 1994/09/20
Renewal due date: 2008/12/17
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Career Clothing
Examination report number: 1
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 25
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Articles Of Clothing Including Trousers, Shirts, Coats And Uniforms And All Other Goods In This Class Excluding Footwear
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Hawthorn
Postcode: 3122
Australian state code: VIC
Country code: AU

Trademark number: 569484

General information:
Application date: 1991/12/17
Lodgement date: 1991/12/17
Registered date: 1991/12/17
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Removed
Status: Removed - Not Renewed
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 1993/05/07
Sealing due date: 1993/09/13
Registered from date: 1991/12/17
Sealing date: 1993/09/13
Renewal due date: 2008/12/17
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Career Wear
Examination report number: 2
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 25
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: All Goods In This Class Other Than Footwear; Articles Of Clothing (other Than Footwear) Including Trousers, Shirts, Coats And Uniforms
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Hawthorn
Postcode: 3122
Australian state code: VIC
Country code: AU

Company Patents

Patent Application Number: 2000022277

General information:

Old Application Number: 22277/00

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: A41D 27/20
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006/01/01
Section code: A - human necessities
Class code: 41 - wearing apparel
Subclass code: D - outerwear; protective garments; accessories (eye or ear protectors a61f0009000000, a61f0011000000; sweating suits a61h0036000000)
Main group code: 27 - details of garments or of their making (haberdashery a44)
Subgroup code: 20 - pockets; making or setting-in pockets
Mark type: First (ie Primary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2006/04/08
Classification type code: Reclassification
Classification source code: Machine using propagation

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PATADMIN
Mainframe patent number: 757837
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request date: 2000/04/12
Examination request filing date: 2000/08/21
Requested examination type: Full Examination Following Direction
First report issue date: 2001/09/12
Examination section: A3
Expiry date: 2016/11/08
Earliest priority date: 1995/11/09
Acceptance Notice date: 2003/03/06
Sealing date: 2003/06/19
Effective patent date: 1996/11/08
Continue renew fee paid date: 2005/08/11
Patent in force to: 2006/11/08

Early terminations:

Application status: Ceased
Reason description: Application Ceased
Published date: 2007/06/21

Patent Application Number: 1996070679

General information:

Old Application Number: 70679/96

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: A45F 5/00
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006/01/01
Section code: A - human necessities
Class code: 45 - hand or travelling articles
Subclass code: F - travelling or camp equipment; sacks or packs carried on the body
Main group code: 5 - holders or carriers for hand articles; holders or carriers for use while travelling or camping
Mark type: Later (ie Secondary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2006/04/08
Classification type code: Reclassification
Classification source code: Machine using propagation

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PATADMIN
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request filing date: 1998/03/25
Requested examination type: Voluntary Request After Filing Of Application
First report issue date: 1998/06/16
Further report issue date: 1999/07/08
Examination section: B5
Expiry date: 2016/11/08
Earliest priority date: 1995/11/09
Effective patent date: 1996/11/08
Patent in force to: 2001/11/08

Early terminations:

Application status: Lapsed
Reason description: Lapsed, Opi, Part C, Section 142(2)(E)
Published date: 2000/04/20

Government contract data

Latest 2014 contracts

Date Description Agency Value
2014-03-25 Uniforms Defence Materiel Organisation
208 036.40
2014-01-29 Uniforms Defence Materiel Organisation 1 251 296.43

Latest 2013 contracts

Date Description Agency Value
2013-12-10 Uniforms Defence Materiel Organisation
186 208.22
2013-11-20 Uniforms Defence Materiel Organisation 15 919.20
2013-09-16 Uniforms Defence Materiel Organisation 490 275.61

Latest 2009 contracts

Date Description Agency Value
2009-12-18 Clothing Department of Human Services
16 800 000.00
2009-06-16 Clothing Defence Materiel Organisation 17 186.40

Latest 2008 contracts

Date Description Agency Value
2008-05-12 Clothing Department of Defence
12 470.70

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Contains public sector information licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. Material on this website was obtained from publicly-accessible databases and is attributed to ©Commonwealth of Australia 2025 (http://data.gov.au, http://acnc.gov.au/ and http://abr.business.gov.au/), ©Intellectual Property Government Open Data 2025, ©ASIC - Company Register. While we try to make the information as precise and up-to-date as possible, we are aware the datasets are not always error-free. Aubiz.net will not take responsibility for any errors in the databases. The material provided should be treated as a starting point of more in-depth research, not as fact.