Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd

Status: Registered
Current name since: 2005/07/07
Name in the ASICs register: Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd
Australian Company Number: 085968341
Australian Business Number: 86085968341
Registration date: 1999/01/21
Type: Australian proprietary company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Proprietary other
last updated


Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd is a limited by shares Australian proprietary company. Located at VIC 3171 since 2020-04-02 the company is, as the updated on 2020-04-02 ABN database shows, registered. The company has been registered for Goods & Services Tax since 2000-07-01. Known company numbers for Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd are as follows: ACN - 085968341, Australian Business Number - 86085968341. Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd has been the company name since 2005-07-07. Their official company name changed on 2004-04-08 to Vital Health Sciences Limited. The company had used this name up until 2005-09-08. Additionally they had used Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd from 2002-09-05 to 2004-04-08, Tocovite Pty Ltd from 2000-05-23 to 2002-09-05. This Australian proprietary company was previously located in VIC 3168 (from 2013-09-01 to 2020-04-02), VIC 3168 (from 2012-08-29 to 2013-09-01), VIC 3000 (from 2007-07-11 to 2012-08-29). We found 1 trademark that reference this company. 2002-05-20 is the date the documents needed to start the registration process of trademark no 913431 were submitted. This trademark is categorised as "word" and its application status is "removed, live".

Details for ABN 86085968341

Type: Australian Private Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 2000/05/23 current

Main Name

Name From To
Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd 2005/09/08 current
Vital Health Sciences Limited 2004/04/08 2005/09/08
Vital Health Sciences Pty Ltd 2002/09/05 2004/04/08
Tocovite Pty Ltd 2000/05/23 2002/09/05

Main Location

Location From To
VIC 3171 2020/04/02 current
VIC 3168 2013/09/01 2020/04/02
VIC 3168 2012/08/29 2013/09/01
VIC 3000 2007/07/11 2012/08/29
VIC 3003 2004/07/23 2007/07/11
VIC 3003 2000/05/23 2004/07/23

Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Status From To
Registered 2000/07/01 current


Company Trademarks

Trademark number: 913431

General information:
Application date: 2002/05/20
Lodgement date: 2002/05/20
Registered date: 2002/05/20
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Removed
Status: Removed - Not Renewed
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 2002/09/03
Sealing due date: 2003/03/19
Registered from date: 2002/05/20
Sealing date: 2003/01/13
Renewal due date: 2012/05/20
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Vitol Iep
Examination report number: 1
Examination class count: 2
NICE class code: 5
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Pharmaceutical And Veterinary Preparations; Acne Treatment, Erythema Treatment, Nutritional Supplements, Vitamin Preparations, Food Supplements, Functional Foods, Pharmaceutical Formulations Suitable For Inclusion In Food Stuffs, Dietetic Substances Adapted For Medical Use
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Melbourne
Postcode: 3000
Australian state code: VIC
Country code: AU

Company Patents

Patent Application Number: 2003301764

General information:

Application date: 2004/06/07
Patent status: Ceased

The granted patent was not renewed.

Patent type: NPE
Primary IPC mark: A61K 31/66
WIPO Application Number: WO2004/091636
Original WIPO Application Number: WO04/91636
PCT Application Number: PCT/AU2004/000492
Original PCT Application Number: PCT/AU04/00492
Accepted claims count: 14

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: C07F 9/655
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006/01/01
Section code: C - chemistrymetallurgy
Class code: 7 - organic chemistry
Subclass code: F - acyclic, carbocyclic, or heterocyclic compounds containing elements other than carbon, hydrogen, halogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, selenium or tellurium (metal-containing porphyrins c07d0487220000; macromolecular compounds c08)
Main group code: 9 - compounds containing elements of groups 5 or 15 of the periodic system
Subgroup code: 655 - having oxygen atoms, with or without sulfur, selenium, or tellurium atoms, as the only ring hetero atoms
Mark type: Later (ie Secondary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2005/10/08
Classification type code: Reclassification
Classification source code: Machine using propagation

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PAMS
Patent classification type: Standard
Expiry date: 2024/04/14
Earliest priority date: 2003/04/15
Acceptance Notice date: 2006/03/23
Sealing date: 2006/07/06
WIPO publication date: 2004/10/28
Effective patent date: 2004/04/14
Continue renew fee paid date: 2010/03/15
Patent in force to: 2011/04/14

Early terminations:

Application status: Ceased
Applied date: 2011/10/28
Reason description: Did Not Pay A Renewal Fee Within The Prescribed Time.
Published date: 2011/11/10

Patent Application Number: 2005202477

General information:

Application date: 2005/05/25
Patent status: Sealed

What happens 3 months after acceptance, assuming there are no oppositions filed. The Status 'sealed' was replaced with 'granted' with IP reform implementation, but from a systems perspective the two statuses are identical.

Patent type: NPE
Primary IPC mark: A61K 31/46
PCT Application Number: PCT/AU2005/000307
Original PCT Application Number: PCT/AU05/00307
Accepted claims count: 22

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: A61K 31/355
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006/01/01
Section code: A - human necessities
Class code: 61 - medical or veterinary science; hygiene
Subclass code: K - preparations for medical, dental, or toilet purposes (devices or methods specially adapted for bringing pharmaceutical products into particular physical or administering forms a61j0003000000; chemical aspects of, or use of materials for deodorisation of air, for disinfection or sterilisation, or for bandages, dressings, absorbent pads or surgical articles a61l)
Main group code: 31 - medicinal preparations containing organic active ingredients
Subgroup code: 355 - tocopherols, e.g. vitamin e
Mark type: Later (ie Secondary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2006/01/01
Classification type code: Original
Classification source code: Human

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PAMS
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request filing date: 2005/05/25
Requested examination type: Request Full Examination
Expiry date: 2025/03/03
Earliest priority date: 2004/03/03
Acceptance Notice date: 2005/12/15
Sealing date: 2006/03/30
Effective patent date: 2005/03/03
OPI published in journal date: 2005/09/22
Continue renew fee paid date: 2015/02/18
Patent in force to: 2016/03/03

Patent Application Number: 2006257714

General information:

Application date: 2007/12/05
Patent status: Sealed

What happens 3 months after acceptance, assuming there are no oppositions filed. The Status 'sealed' was replaced with 'granted' with IP reform implementation, but from a systems perspective the two statuses are identical.

Patent type: NPE
Primary IPC mark: A61K 47/10
WIPO Application Number: WO2006/133506
Original WIPO Application Number: WO06/133506
PCT Application Number: PCT/AU2006/000839
Original PCT Application Number: PCT/AU06/00839
Accepted claims count: 32

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: A61K 31/683
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006/01/01
Section code: A - human necessities
Class code: 61 - medical or veterinary science; hygiene
Subclass code: K - preparations for medical, dental, or toilet purposes (devices or methods specially adapted for bringing pharmaceutical products into particular physical or administering forms a61j0003000000; chemical aspects of, or use of materials for deodorisation of air, for disinfection or sterilisation, or for bandages, dressings, absorbent pads or surgical articles a61l)
Main group code: 31 - medicinal preparations containing organic active ingredients
Subgroup code: 683 - diesters of a phosphorus acid with two hydroxy compounds, e.g. phosphatidylinositols
Mark type: Later (ie Secondary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2006/12/21
Classification type code: Original
Classification source code: Human

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PAMS
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request date: 2009/10/16
Examination request filing date: 2010/03/16
Requested examination type: Request Full Examination
First report issue date: 2010/10/18
Examination section: B3 Chemistry-Biology
Expiry date: 2026/06/16
Earliest priority date: 2005/06/17
Acceptance Notice date: 2011/07/21
Sealing date: 2011/11/03
WIPO publication date: 2006/12/21
Effective patent date: 2006/06/16
Continue renew fee paid date: 2014/05/27
Patent in force to: 2015/06/16

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