Think Big Franchising Pty Ltd is a limited by shares Australian proprietary company. Located at WA 6018 since 2014-09-18 the company is, as the updated on 2022-01-14 ABN database shows, registered. The company has been registered for Goods & Services Tax since 2002-10-01 until 2012-09-29. Known company numbers for Think Big Franchising Pty Ltd are as follows: ACN - 102055827, Australian Business Number - 31102055827. Think Big Franchising Pty Ltd has been the company name since 2005-12-14. Bigfoot Sausages is an example of a business name Think Big Franchising Pty Ltd used. The complete list includes 4 business names. Bigfoot Sausages was the company's business name from 2004-10-15 until 2010-11-22. Other business names include Blitz Takeaway Food (from 2004-10-15 to 2007-11-19) and Great Aussie Bite Lunch Bar (from 2003-01-06 to 2020-12-16). Their official company name changed on 2002-10-01 to Big Apple Australia Pty Ltd. The company had used this name up until 2006-05-19. This company had suspended their activity from 2022-01-14 to 2022-01-14. This Australian proprietary company was previously located in WA 6018 (from 2012-12-19 to 2014-09-18), WA 6018 (from 2012-11-27 to 2012-12-19), WA 6053 (from 2009-08-07 to 2012-11-27). AUBiz found 215 trademarks that reference the abovementioned company. 2005-12-14 is the date the documents needed to start the registration process of trademark no 1090606 were submitted. This trademark is categorised as "word" and its application status is "registered, live". Other company trademarks include trademark number 1090608, application status "registered, live", registered on 2005-12-14 in the "word" category;trademark number 1090609, application status: "registered, live" registered on 2005-12-14 in the "word" category.
Status | From | To |
Cancelled | 2022-01-14 | current |
Active | 2002-10-01 | 2022-01-14 |
Name | From | To |
Think Big Franchising Pty Ltd | 2006-05-19 | current |
Big Apple Australia Pty Ltd | 2002-10-01 | 2006-05-19 |
Name | From | To |
Bigfoot Sausages | 2004-10-15 | 2010-11-22 |
Blitz Takeaway Food | 2004-10-15 | 2007-11-19 |
Great Aussie Bite Lunch Bar | 2003-01-06 | 2020-12-16 |
Green Point Lunch Bar | 2002-10-01 | 2007-02-26 |
Location | From | To |
WA 6018 | 2014-09-18 | current |
WA 6018 | 2012-12-19 | 2014-09-18 |
WA 6018 | 2012-11-27 | 2012-12-19 |
WA 6053 | 2009-08-07 | 2012-11-27 |
WA 6053 | 2002-10-01 | 2009-08-07 |
Status | From | To |
Registered | 2002-10-01 | 2012-09-29 |
Status | registered |
Registration date | 2003-01-06 |
Renewal date | 2015-01-06 |
Address for service of documents | PO BOX 80 Tuart Hill WA 6939 Australia |
Principal place of business | 220 Collier Rd Bayswater WA 6053 |
Debtor representative | not applicable |
Notified successor | not applicable |
Former identifier | BN09660604 |
Former state territory | WA |
Status | Cancelled |
Registration date | 2004-10-15 |
Renewal date | 2010-10-15 |
Cancelled date | 2010-11-22 |
Debtor representative | not applicable |
Notified successor | not applicable |
Former identifier | BN10115985 |
Former state territory | WA |
Status | Cancelled |
Registration date | 2004-10-15 |
Renewal date | 2007-10-15 |
Cancelled date | 2007-11-19 |
Debtor representative | not applicable |
Notified successor | not applicable |
Former identifier | BN10115961 |
Former state territory | WA |
Status | Cancelled |
Registration date | 1986-01-17 |
Renewal date | 2007-01-17 |
Cancelled date | 2007-02-26 |
Debtor representative | not applicable |
Notified successor | not applicable |
Former identifier | 8370243X |
Former state territory | WA |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Registered date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-04-06 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-10-27 |
Registered from date: | 2005-12-14 |
Sealing date: | 2006-08-07 |
Renewal due date: | 2015-12-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite Lunch Bar |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafeterias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Registered date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-05-25 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-12-08 |
Registered from date: | 2005-12-14 |
Sealing date: | 2006-10-06 |
Renewal due date: | 2015-12-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Yumbo |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Hamburgers In Buns; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Registered date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-03-28 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-10-13 |
Registered from date: | 2005-12-14 |
Sealing date: | 2006-07-26 |
Renewal due date: | 2015-12-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Kitchen Sink |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-17 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Oz Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-01-15 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Boomerang Wings |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Breakfast Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Brekky Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Cheezie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Registered date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-04-04 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-10-27 |
Registered from date: | 2005-12-14 |
Sealing date: | 2006-08-07 |
Renewal due date: | 2015-12-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Fire Eater |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Meatlover |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Aussie Cheesesteak |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Cheese Burgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Foods Made From Corn, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Foods Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-14 |
Registered date: | 2005-12-14 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-03-28 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-10-13 |
Registered from date: | 2005-12-14 |
Sealing date: | 2006-07-26 |
Renewal due date: | 2015-12-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Jackass |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Beers; Mineral And Aerated Waters And Other Non Alcoholic Drinks; Purified And Spring Water; Fruit Drinks And Fruit Juices |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-23 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-17 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Brekky |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-23 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Food, Great Tasting Coffee & Fantastic Friendly Service! |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway; Delivery Service; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-23 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Cheesesteak |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Mega Rissole |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-28 |
Registered date: | 2005-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-04-11 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-10-27 |
Registered from date: | 2005-12-28 |
Sealing date: | 2006-08-07 |
Renewal due date: | 2015-12-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Pigout Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Double Beef Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Continental Roll |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class Excluding Pasta, Rice And Pies; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food Excluding Pasta, Rice And Pies; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Snack Food Containing Vegetables But Excluding Pasta, Rice And Pies |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Italian Roll |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class Excluding Pasta, Rice And Pies; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food Excluding Pasta, Rice And Pies; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Snack Food Containing Vegetables But Excluding Pasta, Rice And Pies |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-13 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chicken Satay Kebab |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-28 |
Registered date: | 2005-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-09-21 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-04-11 |
Registered from date: | 2005-12-28 |
Sealing date: | 2008-01-25 |
Renewal due date: | 2015-12-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chicken Sensation |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Cheesestick |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-13 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Beer Battered Fries |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 29 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Potato Products In This Class Including Fries, Chips, Wedges, Gems And Hash Browns |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-04 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-13 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Bacon Double Cheeseburger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-04 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-13 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Blt |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-04 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chippies |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-04 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Sausage On A Stick |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheesesticks; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-04 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Pineapple Fritter |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Snack Food Containing Pineapple; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-04 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Steakburger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-04 |
Registered date: | 2006-01-04 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-09-26 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-04-12 |
Registered from date: | 2006-01-04 |
Sealing date: | 2007-01-23 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-01-04 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Tropicana |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Hamburgers In Buns; Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; But Not Including Biscuits; Icecream And Ice Confections; Sauces |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-04 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Hawaiian |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Roast And Fried Chicken; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Bacon & Egg Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat, Chicken And Fish Patties In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Bacon & Egg Sandwich |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat, Chicken And Fish Patties In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Bacon & Egg Toastie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat, Chicken And Fish Patties In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chicken Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Buns; Chicken In Buns; Fish In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Cheeseburger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chicken Cheese & Bacon Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Chicken Fillet Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Hamburger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Registered date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-04-24 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-11-11 |
Registered from date: | 2006-01-09 |
Sealing date: | 2006-10-17 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-01-09 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Strippers |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Surf N Turf |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Seafood; Steak; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Garlic Prawns |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Seafood; Steak; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-09 |
Registered date: | 2006-01-09 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-07-26 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-02-10 |
Registered from date: | 2006-01-09 |
Sealing date: | 2006-11-24 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-01-09 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Wipe Out |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class Exluding Ice Cream, Water Ices, Frozen Confections, Preparations For Making The Aforesaid Goods All Included In Class 30 |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-10 |
Registered date: | 2006-01-10 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-04-24 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-11-11 |
Registered from date: | 2006-01-10 |
Sealing date: | 2006-10-06 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-01-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Australian Bite |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-10 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Big Aussie |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-10 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Cheeseburger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-10 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-07-07 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Big Doggie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-10 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chicken Schnitzel Sub |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-23 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Cheese Chips |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-23 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Cheese Fries |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Cheeseburgers; Cheesesteaks; Chicken Burgers; Fish Burgers; Chicken Wings; Chicken Nuggets; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; Dressings For Food; Beverages In This Class Including Coffee, Tea, Cocoa |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-23 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Yummy Catering |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages; Takeaway Services Incorporating Delivery |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005-12-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2005-12-23 |
Registered date: | 2005-12-23 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-04-06 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-08-30 |
Registered from date: | 2005-12-23 |
Sealing date: | 2008-08-18 |
Renewal due date: | 2015-12-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Kick Ass Coffee |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Coffee; Tea; Cocoa; Sugar; Artificial Coffee; Sauces (condiments); Ice |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 330822 |
Agency code: | WM |
Transaction type: | Opponent agent code in opposition |
Suburb name: | Hawthorn |
Postcode: | 3122 |
Australian state codee: | VIC |
Attorney type: | Attorney |
Country code: | AU |
Status code: | 99 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | ST |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2006-07-26 |
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Support: | 2007-01-26 |
Evidence in Support lodged on: | 2007-01-25 |
Evidence in Support served on: | 2007-01-25 |
Evidence in Support type: | All |
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Answer: | 2007-09-25 |
Evidence in Answer lodged on: | 2007-09-13 |
Evidence in Answer served on: | 2007-09-13 |
Evidence in Answer type: | All |
Application withdrawal date: | 2008-07-17 |
Trade Marks act year: | 1995 |
Status of the opposition: | Finalised |
Opposition record created on: | 2006-08-01 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2013-03-02 |
Opposition status data: | Notice of Opposition|Due: 27-JUL-2006 |Lodged: 26-JUL-2006 |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Brekky Wrap |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Brekky Roll |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Breakfast |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Brekky Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Bacon & Egg Muffin |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Bacon, Egg & Cheese Muffin |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Dog |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; None Of The Foresaid Being Fresh And Frozen Pizza, Including Pizzas In A Roll Form |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Fish & Chips |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Meatballs |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chicken Chips |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Hot Chicken Roll |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chicken Avocado |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chicken Italiano |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-12 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Brekky Muffin |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages,meat,chicken,seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-12 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Veggie Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-12 |
Registered date: | 2006-01-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-04-27 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-11-11 |
Registered from date: | 2006-01-12 |
Sealing date: | 2006-10-06 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-01-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Veggie Heaven |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-12 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Vegan Delite |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-17 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Rissole, Cheese & Tomato Toastie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-17 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Ham & Cheese Toastie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-17 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Ham, Cheese & Tomato Toastie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-17 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Sausage, Egg & Onion Toastie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-17 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Steak Toastie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-17 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Hangover Special |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-17 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Seafood Sub |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-17 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-12-26 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Abrakebabra |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Cooked Sausages,meat,chicken,seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-20 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Hamburger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-23 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Bacon & Egg Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Bacon And Eggs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-23 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Cheeseburger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-23 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Aussie Steakburger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-31 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-31 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-24 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Juicy Fruit Shake |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Mineral And Aerated Water And Non-alcoholic Drinks; Fruit Drinks And Fruit Juices, Vegetable Drinks And Vegetable Juices; Juice Based Smoothies And Milk Shakes; Syrups And Other Preparations For Making Beverages |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-31 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-31 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Italian |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Cooked Sausages, Meat, Chicken, Seafood; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-01-31 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-01-31 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Continental |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Meat In Bread Including Rolls, Muffins, Pita, Turkish, Sandwiches And Toasted Sandwiches; Chicken In Bread Including Rolls, Muffins, Pita, Turkish, Sandwiches And Toasted Sandwiches; Fish In Bread Including Rolls, Muffins, Pita, Turkish, Sandwiches And Toasted Sandwiches; Vegetables And/or Salad In Bread Including Rolls, Muffins, Pita, Turkish, Sandwiches And Toasted Sandwiches; Any Combination Of Meat, Fish Or Chicken With Vegetables And/or Salad In Bread Including Rolls, Muffins, Pita, Turkish, Sandwiches And Toasted Sandwiches; Hot Dogs |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-03-01 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-03-01 |
Registered date: | 2006-03-01 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-06-15 |
Sealing due date: | 2006-12-29 |
Registered from date: | 2006-03-01 |
Sealing date: | 2006-10-12 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-03-01 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Beach Bum |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-03-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-03-09 |
Registered date: | 2006-03-09 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-06-27 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-01-13 |
Registered from date: | 2006-03-09 |
Sealing date: | 2006-11-02 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-03-09 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Vanchisee |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway Services Incorporating Delivery Service; Mobile Food And Beverage Vehicles And Trailers Including But Not Limited To Coffee Vending Vehicles; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-03-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-03-10 |
Registered date: | 2006-03-10 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-06-27 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-01-13 |
Registered from date: | 2006-03-10 |
Sealing date: | 2006-11-02 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-03-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Just Eats |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway Service Incorporating Delivery; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages; |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-03-22 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-03-22 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-09-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Ribwich |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Chicken In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Fish In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Vegetables In Bread Buns Including Muffins; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas/wraps Including Filled Pitas/wraps; Kebabs; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-03-27 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-03-27 |
Registered date: | 2006-03-27 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-07-10 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-01-27 |
Registered from date: | 2006-03-27 |
Sealing date: | 2006-11-15 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-03-27 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Fireball |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Meat And Chicken Kebabs In Bread Buns; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class; But Not Including Confectionery Of Any Form Or Goods Incorporating Confecionery |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-04-05 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-04-05 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-11-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Passionate About Our Customers Our Food And Our Coffee |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-04-07 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-04-07 |
Registered date: | 2006-04-07 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-07-21 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-02-10 |
Registered from date: | 2006-04-07 |
Sealing date: | 2006-11-24 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-04-07 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Feed The Need |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages; |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-04-24 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-04-24 |
Registered date: | 2006-04-24 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-08-08 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-02-24 |
Registered from date: | 2006-04-24 |
Sealing date: | 2006-12-08 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-04-24 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Truckie |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Beers; Alcoholic Drinks In This Class; Mineral And Aerated Water; Purified Water And Spring Water; Other Non Alcholic Drinks Including Energy Drinks; Fruit Drinks And Fruit Juices; Vegetable Drinks And Vegetable Juices |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-04-24 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-04-24 |
Registered date: | 2006-04-24 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-08-08 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-02-24 |
Registered from date: | 2006-04-24 |
Sealing date: | 2006-12-11 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-04-24 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Missile |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Beers; Alcoholic Drinks In This Class; Mineral And Aerated Water; Purified Water And Spring Water; Other Non Alcholic Drinks Including Energy Drinks; Fruit Drinks And Fruit Juices; Vegetable Drinks And Vegetable Juices |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 283478 |
Agency code: | DR |
Transaction type: | Applicant agent code in opposition |
Suburb name: | Sydney |
Postcode: | 2000 |
Australian state codee: | NSW |
Attorney type: | Solicitor |
Country code: | AU |
Status code: | 99 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | 23 |
Sect. 23 application lodged on: | 2012-06-08 |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2012-09-21 |
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Support: | 2013-02-21 |
Evidence in Support lodged on: | 2013-02-07 |
Evidence in Support type: | All |
Allocated person code: | BQK |
Trade Marks act year: | 1995 |
Status of the opposition: | Finalised |
Opposition record created on: | 2012-06-20 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2013-11-08 |
Opposition status data: | Notice of Opposition|Due: 28-SEP-2012 |Lodged: 21-SEP-2012 |Served: 21-SEP-2012 |
Application date: | 2006-06-07 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-06-07 |
Registered date: | 2006-06-07 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-09-21 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-04-05 |
Registered from date: | 2006-06-07 |
Sealing date: | 2007-02-23 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-06-07 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Eggpresso |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Meat And Chicken Kebabs In Bread Buns; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-06-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-06-20 |
Registered date: | 2006-06-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-10-04 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-04-19 |
Registered from date: | 2006-06-20 |
Sealing date: | 2007-02-23 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-06-20 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite Cafe |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway Services Incorporating Delivery; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-06-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-06-20 |
Registered date: | 2006-06-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-10-04 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-04-19 |
Registered from date: | 2006-06-20 |
Sealing date: | 2007-02-23 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-06-20 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite Catering |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway Services Incorporating Delivery; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-06-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-06-20 |
Registered date: | 2006-06-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-10-04 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-04-19 |
Registered from date: | 2006-06-20 |
Sealing date: | 2007-02-23 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-06-20 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite On Wheels |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway Services Incorporating Delivery; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-06-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-06-20 |
Registered date: | 2006-06-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-10-18 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-05-02 |
Registered from date: | 2006-06-20 |
Sealing date: | 2007-02-23 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-06-20 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite Sports Bar |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Licensed Bar; Takeaway Services Incorporating Delivery; Catering Services; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-06-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-06-20 |
Registered date: | 2006-06-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word series |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-10-10 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-04-26 |
Registered from date: | 2006-06-20 |
Sealing date: | 2007-02-23 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-06-20 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite Fish & Chicks ; Great Aussie Bite Fish N Chicks |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway Services Incorporating Delivery; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-07-01 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-07-01 |
Registered date: | 2006-07-01 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-10-16 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-05-02 |
Registered from date: | 2006-07-01 |
Sealing date: | 2007-03-07 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-07-01 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Jackass |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Chocolate, Chocolates, Chocolate Products; Confectionery And Biscuits Including Energy And Cereal Bars; Ice Cream, Ice Cream Products, Frozen Confections; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Meat And Chicken Kebabs In Bread Buns; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Pies; Pasties; Sausage Rolls; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-07-07 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-07-07 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-01-09 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Skyscraper |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Chocolate, Chocolates, Chocolate Products; Confectionery And Biscuits Including Energy And Cereal Bars; Ice Cream, Ice Cream Products, Frozen Confections; Coffee, Tea, Cocoa; Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Meat And Chicken Kebabs In Bread Buns; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Pies; Pasties; Sausage Rolls; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-07-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-07-11 |
Registered date: | 2006-07-11 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Composite |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-10-25 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-05-09 |
Registered from date: | 2006-07-11 |
Sealing date: | 2007-02-20 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-07-11 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Brekky Burger |
Device phrases: | Words In Hamburger,styl. |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Chocolate, Chocolates, Chocolate Products; Confectionery And Biscuits Including Energy And Cereal Bars; Ice Cream, Ice Cream Products, Frozen Confections; Coffee, Tea, Cocoa; Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Meat And Chicken Kebabs In Bread Buns; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Pies; Pasties; Sausage Rolls; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-07-18 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-07-18 |
Registered date: | 2006-07-18 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-11-01 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-05-16 |
Registered from date: | 2006-07-18 |
Sealing date: | 2007-03-07 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-07-18 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Get Stuffed |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Chocolate, Chocolates, Chocolate Products; Confectionery And Biscuits Including Energy And Cereal Bars; Ice Cream, Ice Cream Products, Frozen Confections; Coffee, Tea, Cocoa; Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Meat And Chicken Kebabs In Bread Buns; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Pies; Pasties; Sausage Rolls; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-08-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-08-09 |
Registered date: | 2006-08-09 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-11-23 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-02-06 |
Registered from date: | 2006-08-09 |
Sealing date: | 2008-01-07 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-08-09 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Tnt |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Beer; Energy And Sports Drinks, Not Containg Tea Or Tea Flavouring |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 330822 |
Agency code: | WM |
Transaction type: | Opponent agent code in opposition |
Suburb name: | Hawthorn |
Postcode: | 3122 |
Australian state codee: | VIC |
Attorney type: | Attorney |
Country code: | AU |
Status code: | 99 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | ST |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2007-03-07 |
Evidence in Support lodged on: | 2007-06-06 |
Evidence in Support served on: | 2007-06-06 |
Evidence in Support type: | All |
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Answer: | 2007-10-06 |
Evidence in Answer lodged on: | 2007-10-05 |
Evidence in Answer served on: | 2007-10-05 |
Evidence in Answer type: | All |
Application withdrawal date: | 2007-12-24 |
Trade Marks act year: | 1995 |
Status of the opposition: | Finalised |
Opposition record created on: | 2007-03-25 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2013-03-02 |
Opposition status data: | Notice of Opposition|Due: 14-MAR-2007 |Lodged: 07-MAR-2007 |
Application date: | 2006-08-08 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-08-08 |
Registered date: | 2006-08-08 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word series |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-11-22 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-01-12 |
Registered from date: | 2006-08-08 |
Sealing date: | 2007-12-14 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-08-08 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | T.n.t ; Tnt |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Beers; Energy And Sports Drinks, Not Containing Tea Or Tea Flavouring |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 330822 |
Agency code: | WM |
Transaction type: | Opponent agent code in opposition |
Suburb name: | Hawthorn |
Postcode: | 3122 |
Australian state codee: | VIC |
Attorney type: | Attorney |
Country code: | AU |
Status code: | 99 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | ST |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2007-03-06 |
Evidence in Support lodged on: | 2007-06-06 |
Evidence in Support served on: | 2007-06-06 |
Evidence in Support type: | All |
Application withdrawal date: | 2007-12-06 |
Trade Marks act year: | 1995 |
Status of the opposition: | Finalised |
Opposition record created on: | 2007-03-25 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2013-03-02 |
Opposition status data: | Notice of Opposition|Due: 07-MAR-2007 |Lodged: 06-MAR-2007 |
Application date: | 2006-08-22 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-08-22 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-06-07 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Think Big |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 35 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Business Management Services Being Support Services To Food And Beverage Operations |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-08-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-08-11 |
Registered date: | 2006-08-11 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-11-27 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-06-14 |
Registered from date: | 2006-08-11 |
Sealing date: | 2007-04-04 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-08-11 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Feed The Need |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Chocolate, Chocolates, Chocolate Products; Confectionery And Biscuits Including Energy And Cereal Bars; Ice Cream, Ice Cream Products, Frozen Confections; Coffee, Tea, Cocoa; Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Meat And Chicken Kebabs In Bread Buns; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Pies; Pasties; Sausage Rolls; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-08-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-08-11 |
Live or dead: | Dead |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-02-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Stuffed |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Chocolate, Chocolates, Chocolate Products; Confectionery And Biscuits Including Energy And Cereal Bars; Ice Cream, Ice Cream Products, Frozen Confections; Coffee, Tea, Cocoa; Fast Food In This Class; Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Frozen Snack Food; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Meat And Chicken Kebabs In Bread Buns; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls; Baked Products; Pies; Pasties; Sausage Rolls; Snack Foods In This Class Including Flour Based Savoury Snacks, Snack Food Consisting Principally Of Pasta, Snack Food Containing Vegetables; Prepared Meals In This Class |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-08-15 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-08-15 |
Registered date: | 2006-08-15 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2006-12-05 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-06-21 |
Registered from date: | 2006-08-15 |
Sealing date: | 2007-04-04 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-08-15 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Restaurant Services; Catering Services; Takeaway Services Incorporating Delivery; Mobile Food Vans; Fast Food And Self Service Outlets; Cafes; Cafetarias; Canteens And Snack Bars; Provision Of Food And Beverages |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-10-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-10-04 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-04-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Torpedo |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Meat In Bread Buns; Chicken In Bread Buns; Fish In Bread Buns; Vegetables And Salad In Bread Buns; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Pitas Including Filled Pitas; Meat And Chicken Kebabs In Bread Buns; Muffins Including Filled Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizzas; Pizza Rolls; Rolls Including Filled Rolls |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006-12-16 |
Lodgement date: | 2006-12-16 |
Registered date: | 2006-12-16 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-03-30 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-10-26 |
Registered from date: | 2006-12-16 |
Sealing date: | 2007-10-03 |
Renewal due date: | 2016-12-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Feed The Need |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Beers; Alcoholic Drinks In This Class; Mineral And Aerated Waters; Purified Water And Spring Water; Non Alcoholic Drinks Including Energy And Sports Drinks; Fruit Drinks And Fruit Juices; Vegetable Drinks And Vegetable Juices |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2007-02-05 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-02-05 |
Registered date: | 2007-02-05 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-05-21 |
Sealing due date: | 2007-11-30 |
Registered from date: | 2007-02-05 |
Sealing date: | 2007-09-19 |
Renewal due date: | 2017-02-05 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Get Stuffed |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Cafe Services; Cafes; Cafeteria Services; Cafeterias; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Self-service Cafeteria Services; Restaurant Services; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Restaurants; Self-service Restaurants; Coffee Shop Services; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food Including Delivery; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Business Catering Services; Catering Services; Contract Catering Services; Food And Drink Catering; Mobile Catering Services; Snack Bars; Snack-bars |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2007-03-08 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-03-08 |
Registered date: | 2007-03-08 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-01-12 |
Registered from date: | 2007-03-08 |
Sealing date: | 2007-10-24 |
Renewal due date: | 2017-03-08 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Jackass Kick Ass Coffee |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Coffee; Coffee Beans; Coffee Beverages; Coffee Products |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2007-03-08 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-03-08 |
Registered date: | 2007-03-08 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Composite |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-06-22 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-01-12 |
Registered from date: | 2007-03-08 |
Sealing date: | 2007-10-24 |
Renewal due date: | 2017-03-08 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Jackass Kickass Coffee! |
Device phrases: | Donkey,cartoon,rearing |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Coffee; Coffee Beans; Coffee Beverages; Coffee Products |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2007-04-26 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-04-26 |
Registered date: | 2007-04-26 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Composite |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-08-10 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-02-29 |
Registered from date: | 2007-04-26 |
Sealing date: | 2008-01-04 |
Renewal due date: | 2017-04-26 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Think Big |
Device phrases: | Elephant In Disc |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 35 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Arranging Exhibitions For Business Purposes; Business Acquisitions; Business Consultation; Business Consultation Services Relating To Franchising; Business Management; Business Planning; Business Research; Franchising Consultancy And Business Support Services; Promotion (advertising) Of Business; Providing Information, Including On-line, About Advertising, Business Management And Administration And Office Functions; Provision Of Assistance (business) In The Establishment Of Franchises; Provision Of Assistance (business) In The Operation Of Franchises; Provision Of Business Advice Relating To Franchising |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 451613 |
Agency code: | UM |
Transaction type: | Applicant agent code in opposition |
Suburb name: | Melbourne |
Postcode: | 3000 |
Australian state codee: | VIC |
Attorney type: | Frequent User |
Country code: | AU |
Status code: | 94 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | 23 |
Sect. 23 application lodged on: | 2014-06-27 |
Extension date to lodge a Notice of Opposition: | 2014-11-17 |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2014-11-14 |
Application withdrawal date: | 2015-02-04 |
Allocated person code: | LYH |
Trade Marks act year: | 2012 |
Status of the opposition: | Removal Application Dismissed on 04/02/2015 |
Opposition record created on: | 2014-07-14 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2015-02-04 |
Opposition status data: | Intention to Oppose|Due: 17-SEP-2014 |Extension: 17-NOV-2014 |Filed: 14-NOV-2014 |Despatched: 17-DEC-2014 |
Application date: | 2007-07-30 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-07-30 |
Registered date: | 2007-07-30 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-11-13 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-05-29 |
Registered from date: | 2007-07-30 |
Sealing date: | 2008-03-25 |
Renewal due date: | 2017-07-30 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Australian Bite |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Food And Drink Catering; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Food And Drink; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Providing Food And Drink; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2007-07-30 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-07-30 |
Registered date: | 2007-07-30 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-02-11 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-08-26 |
Registered from date: | 2007-07-30 |
Sealing date: | 2009-06-03 |
Renewal due date: | 2017-07-30 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 5 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Take Away Food Services; Restaurant Services; Restaurants; Snack-bars; Coffee Shop Services; Tea Room Services; Ice Cream Parlour Services; Catering Services; Food And Drink Catering; Mobile Catering Services; Canteen Services; Canteens |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2007-09-07 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-09-07 |
Registered date: | 2007-09-07 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2007-12-21 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-07-10 |
Registered from date: | 2007-09-07 |
Sealing date: | 2008-04-30 |
Renewal due date: | 2017-09-07 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Hogster |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches Containing Chicken; Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Sandwiches Containing Meat; Ice Cream; Coffee; Sandwiches Containing Fish Fillet; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Flour Based Savoury Snacks; Snacks Manufactured From Cereals; Prepared Pasta Meals; Pasta |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2007-12-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-12-10 |
Registered date: | 2007-12-10 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-03-25 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-10-17 |
Registered from date: | 2007-12-10 |
Sealing date: | 2008-10-08 |
Renewal due date: | 2017-12-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Dickies |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 29 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Kebabs; Frozen Cooked Meals; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Fish; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Meat; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Poultry; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Vegetables; Prepared Meals Consisting Substantially Of Seafood; Chips (french Fries); Fish With Chips; Frozen Chips; Potato Chips; Chicken Products; Cooked Chicken; Fried Chicken; Cheese Wedges; Cooked Potatoes With Fillings; Hash Brown Potatoes; Potato Products Being Frozen; Potato Products In The Form Of Snack Foods; Flavoured Milk Drinks; Milk; Smoothies (milk Beverages, Milk Predominating); Battered Frankfurts Or Sausages; Hotdog Sausages; Sausages; Processed Meat Products; Edible Oils; Margarine; Dairy Products; Spreads Consisting Wholly Or Principally Of Dairy Products |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2007-12-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-12-10 |
Registered date: | 2007-12-10 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-03-25 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-10-17 |
Registered from date: | 2007-12-10 |
Sealing date: | 2008-10-08 |
Renewal due date: | 2017-12-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Cheese Dick |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 29 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Kebabs; Frozen Cooked Meals; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Fish; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Meat; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Poultry; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Vegetables; Prepared Meals Consisting Substantially Of Seafood; Chips (french Fries); Fish With Chips; Frozen Chips; Potato Chips; Chicken Products; Cooked Chicken; Fried Chicken; Cheese Wedges; Cooked Potatoes With Fillings; Hash Brown Potatoes; Potato Products Being Frozen; Potato Products In The Form Of Snack Foods; Flavoured Milk Drinks; Milk; Smoothies (milk Beverages, Milk Predominating); Battered Frankfurts Or Sausages; Hotdog Sausages; Sausages; Processed Meat Products; Edible Oils; Margarine; Dairy Products; Spreads Consisting Wholly Or Principally Of Dairy Products |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2007-12-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2007-12-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-06-30 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Kick Ass |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Ice Cream; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Flour Based Savoury Snacks; Snacks Manufactured From Cereals; Pasta |
Suburb name: | Balcatta |
Postcode: | 6914 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-01-08 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-01-08 |
Registered date: | 2008-01-08 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-04-22 |
Sealing due date: | 2008-11-08 |
Registered from date: | 2008-01-08 |
Sealing date: | 2008-08-22 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-01-08 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Yumbo |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 29 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Kebabs; Frozen Cooked Meals; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Fish; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Meat; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Poultry; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Vegetables; Prepared Meals Consisting Substantially Of Seafood; Chips (french Fries); Fish With Chips; Frozen Chips; Potato Chips; Chicken Products; Cooked Chicken; Fried Chicken; Cheese Wedges; Cooked Potatoes With Fillings; Hash Brown Potatoes; Potato Products Being Frozen; Potato Products In The Form Of Snack Foods; Flavoured Milk Drinks; Milk; Smoothies (milk Beverages, Milk Predominating); Battered Frankfurts Or Sausages; Hotdog Sausages; Sausages; Processed Meat Products; Edible Oils; Margarine; Dairy Products; Spreads Consisting Wholly Or Principally Of Dairy Products; Deep Frozen Chicken |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-02-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-02-28 |
Registered date: | 2008-02-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-06-13 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-02-16 |
Registered from date: | 2008-02-28 |
Sealing date: | 2009-02-10 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-02-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Life Tastes Better |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Food And Drink Catering; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Food And Drink; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Providing Food And Drink; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-02-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-02-28 |
Registered date: | 2008-02-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-06-13 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-02-16 |
Registered from date: | 2008-02-28 |
Sealing date: | 2009-02-10 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-02-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Gigantor |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Ice Cream; Coffee; Tea; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread; Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Snack Foods Consisting Principally Of Bread; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Pasta; Tacos; Burritos; Prepared Pasta Meals; Prepared Pizza Meals; Barbecue Sauce; Pasta Sauce; Sauce (edible); Sauces (condiments); Tomato Based Sauces; Bread; Chocolate-based Beverages; Chocolates; Milk Chocolate; Confectionery; Ice Cream; Ice Cream Products; Hamburgers (sandwich With Filling); Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Desserts; Prepared Desserts (pastries); Biscuits |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-02-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-02-28 |
Registered date: | 2008-02-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2008-06-13 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-01-03 |
Registered from date: | 2008-02-28 |
Sealing date: | 2008-12-19 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-02-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Mad Max |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 4 |
NICE class code: | 33 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Alcoholic Beverages (except Beer); Spirits (beverages); Carbonated Beverages (alcoholic, Except Beers); Wine; Cocktails; Alcoholic Mixed Drinks Containing More Than 1.15% Of Alcohol By Volume |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-09-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-09-12 |
Registered date: | 2008-09-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-01-02 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-07-15 |
Registered from date: | 2008-09-12 |
Sealing date: | 2009-05-05 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-09-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Hatrick |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches Containing Chicken; Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Sandwiches Containing Meat; Ice Cream; Coffee; Sandwiches Containing Fish Fillet; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Muffins; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Flour Based Savoury Snacks; Snacks Manufactured From Cereals; Prepared Pasta Meals; Pasta |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | -95004 |
Agency code: | BJ |
Transaction type: | Applicant agent code in opposition |
Suburb name: | Sydney |
Postcode: | 2000 |
Australian state codee: | NSW |
Attorney type: | Solicitor |
Country code: | AU |
Status code: | 9 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | 23 |
Sect. 23 application lodged on: | 2014-08-06 |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2014-10-18 |
Allocated person code: | RBS |
Trade Marks act year: | 2012 |
Status of the opposition: | Notice of Intention to Defend Despatched |
Opposition record created on: | 2014-08-11 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2015-01-22 |
Opposition status data: | Intention to Oppose|Due: 21-OCT-2014 |Filed: 18-OCT-2014 |Despatched: 11-NOV-2014 Evidence in Support|Due: 19-APR-2015 |
Application date: | 2008-09-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-09-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Screamer |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches Containing Chicken; Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Sandwiches Containing Meat; Ice Cream; Coffee; Sandwiches Containing Fish Fillet; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Muffins; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Flour Based Savoury Snacks; Snacks Manufactured From Cereals; Prepared Pasta Meals; Pasta |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-09-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-09-12 |
Registered date: | 2008-09-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-01-16 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-08-05 |
Registered from date: | 2008-09-12 |
Sealing date: | 2009-05-29 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-09-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Pigout |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches Containing Chicken; Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Sandwiches Containing Meat; Coffee; Sandwiches Containing Fish Fillet; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Muffins; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Prepared Pasta Meals; Pasta |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-09-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-09-12 |
Registered date: | 2008-09-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-01-02 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-07-15 |
Registered from date: | 2008-09-12 |
Sealing date: | 2009-05-05 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-09-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Yumbo |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Food And Drink Catering; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Food And Drink; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Providing Food And Drink; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Mobile Catering Services; Snack Bars; Hotels; Restaurants; Taverns |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-09-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-09-12 |
Registered date: | 2008-09-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-01-02 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-07-15 |
Registered from date: | 2008-09-12 |
Sealing date: | 2009-05-05 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-09-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Mad Max |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Cafe Services; Cafes; Cafeteria Services; Cafeterias; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Self-service Cafeteria Services; Restaurant Services; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Restaurants; Self-service Restaurants; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Coffee Shop Services; Business Catering Services; Catering Services; Contract Catering Services; Food And Drink Catering; Mobile Catering Services; Snack Bars; Hospitality Services (food And Drink); Hotels; Taverns; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Consultancy, Advisory And Information Services In Relation To The Provision Of Food And Drink |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-10-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-10-17 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-14 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Bloody Good Food Fast |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Snack Bars; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-10-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-10-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-17 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Bloody Fast Good Food |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Snack Bars; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Mobile Catering Services |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-10-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-10-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-17 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Bloody Fast Bloody Good |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Snack Bars; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Mobile Catering Services |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-10-21 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-10-21 |
Registered date: | 2008-10-21 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-02-04 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-08-19 |
Registered from date: | 2008-10-21 |
Sealing date: | 2009-05-29 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-10-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Dilligaf |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches Containing Chicken; Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Sandwiches Containing Meat; Ice Cream; Coffee; Sandwiches Containing Fish Fillet; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Muffins; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Flour Based Savoury Snacks; Snacks Manufactured From Cereals; Prepared Pasta Meals; Pasta |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-10-21 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-10-21 |
Registered date: | 2008-10-21 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-02-04 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-08-19 |
Registered from date: | 2008-10-21 |
Sealing date: | 2009-05-29 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-10-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Dilligaf |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 29 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Kebabs; Frozen Cooked Meals; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Fish; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Meat; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Poultry; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Vegetables; Prepared Meals Consisting Substantially Of Seafood; Chips (french Fries); Fish With Chips; Frozen Chips; Potato Chips; Chicken Products; Cooked Chicken; Fried Chicken; Cheese Wedges; Cooked Potatoes With Fillings; Hash Brown Potatoes; Potato Products Being Frozen; Potato Products In The Form Of Snack Foods; Flavoured Milk Drinks; Milk; Smoothies (milk Beverages, Milk Predominating); Battered Frankfurts Or Sausages; Hotdog Sausages; Sausages; Processed Meat Products; Edible Oils; Margarine; Dairy Products; Spreads Consisting Wholly Or Principally Of Dairy Products |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-10-21 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-10-21 |
Registered date: | 2008-10-21 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-02-04 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-08-19 |
Registered from date: | 2008-10-21 |
Sealing date: | 2009-05-29 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-10-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Dilligaf |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Beer; Non-alcoholic Beverages; Fruit Juice Beverages; Isotonic Beverages; Waters (beverages); Vegetable Juices (beverages); Soft Drinks |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-11-26 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-11-26 |
Registered date: | 2008-11-26 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-07-30 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-02-20 |
Registered from date: | 2008-11-26 |
Sealing date: | 2010-01-12 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-11-26 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Feed Your Need |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 4 |
NICE class code: | 29 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Kebabs; Frozen Cooked Meals; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Fish; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Meat; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Poultry; Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Vegetables; Prepared Meals Consisting Substantially Of Seafood; Chips (french Fries); Fish With Chips; Frozen Chips; Potato Chips; Chicken Products; Cooked Chicken; Fried Chicken; Cheese Wedges; Cooked Potatoes With Fillings; Hash Brown Potatoes; Potato Products Being Frozen; Potato Products In The Form Of Snack Foods; Flavoured Milk Drinks; Milk; Smoothies (milk Beverages, Milk Predominating); Burgers; Meat Burgers; Vegetable Burgers; Steaks Of Fish; Steaks Of Meat; Cooking Oils; Edible Nuts; Mixtures Of Fruit And Nuts; Hamburgers (meat Patties); Bacon; Ham; Sausage Meat; Sausage Patties; Sausages; Salami; Cheese; Dairy Desserts; Fruit Desserts; Butter; Margarine |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-12-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-12-23 |
Registered date: | 2008-12-23 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-04-06 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-10-30 |
Registered from date: | 2008-12-23 |
Sealing date: | 2009-08-12 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-12-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Pigout |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Snack Bars; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Mobile Catering Services |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2008-12-23 |
Lodgement date: | 2008-12-23 |
Registered date: | 2008-12-23 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-04-06 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-10-30 |
Registered from date: | 2008-12-23 |
Sealing date: | 2009-08-12 |
Renewal due date: | 2018-12-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Feed Your Need For A Feed |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Snack Bars; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Mobile Catering Services |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-01-29 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-01-29 |
Registered date: | 2009-01-29 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-05-12 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-11-28 |
Registered from date: | 2009-01-29 |
Sealing date: | 2009-10-22 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-01-29 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches Containing Chicken; Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Sandwiches Containing Meat; Ice Cream; Coffee; Sandwiches Containing Fish Fillet; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Muffins; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Flour Based Savoury Snacks; Snacks Manufactured From Cereals; Prepared Pasta Meals; Pasta; Nachos |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-02-06 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-02-06 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-07-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Fishalicious |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Pizza |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-02-06 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-02-06 |
Registered date: | 2009-02-06 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-05-20 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-12-04 |
Registered from date: | 2009-02-06 |
Sealing date: | 2009-10-02 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-02-06 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Fireman |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches Containing Chicken; Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Sandwiches Containing Meat; Ice Cream; Coffee; Sandwiches Containing Fish Fillet; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Muffins; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Flour Based Savoury Snacks; Snacks Manufactured From Cereals; Prepared Pasta Meals; Pasta |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-02-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-02-11 |
Registered date: | 2009-02-11 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-05-25 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-12-11 |
Registered from date: | 2009-02-11 |
Sealing date: | 2009-10-02 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-02-11 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Ding |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-02-17 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-02-17 |
Registered date: | 2009-02-17 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-06-03 |
Sealing due date: | 2009-12-18 |
Registered from date: | 2009-02-17 |
Sealing date: | 2009-10-02 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-02-17 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Gab |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Food And Drink Catering; Internet Caf? Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Food And Drink; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Providing Food And Drink; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Mobile Catering Services; Snack Bars; Hotels; Restaurants; Taverns |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-04-07 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-04-07 |
Registered date: | 2009-04-07 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-07-21 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-02-06 |
Registered from date: | 2009-04-07 |
Sealing date: | 2009-11-25 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-04-07 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Jackhammer |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 29 |
NICE occ number: | 2 |
NICE description text: | Products; Dairy Desserts; Fruit Desserts; Butter; Margarine |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-06-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-06-10 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-11-27 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Unfried |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread; Filled Bread Rolls; Snack Foods Consisting Principally Of Bread; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Pasta; Tacos; Burritos; Prepared Pasta Meals; Prepared Pizza Meals; Barbecue Sauce; Pasta Sauce; Sauces (condiments); Bread; Hamburgers (sandwich With Filling); Hamburgers In Buns; Prepared Desserts (pastries); Biscuits |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-06-16 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-06-16 |
Registered date: | 2009-06-16 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-09-30 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-04-15 |
Registered from date: | 2009-06-16 |
Sealing date: | 2010-03-02 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-06-16 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Hitman |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Beer; Non-alcoholic Beverages; Fruit Juice Beverages; Isotonic Beverages; Waters (beverages); Vegetable Juices (beverages); Soft Drinks |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-06-19 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-06-19 |
Registered date: | 2009-06-19 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-10-06 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-04-22 |
Registered from date: | 2009-06-19 |
Sealing date: | 2010-03-02 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-06-19 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Stickball |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Toasted Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Snack Food Products Consisting Of Chicken Meat; Meat Pies; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Ice Cream; Coffee; Tea; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread; Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Snack Foods Consisting Principally Of Bread; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Pasta; Tacos; Burritos; Prepared Pasta Meals; Prepared Pizza Meals; Barbecue Sauce; Pasta Sauce; Sauce (edible); Sauces (condiments); Tomato Based Sauces; Bread; Chocolate-based Beverages; Chocolates; Milk Chocolate; Confectionery; Ice Cream; Ice Cream Products; Hamburgers (sandwich With Filling); Hamburgers In Buns; Frozen Desserts; Prepared Desserts (pastries); Biscuits |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-07-05 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-07-05 |
Registered date: | 2009-07-05 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-10-19 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-05-05 |
Registered from date: | 2009-07-05 |
Sealing date: | 2010-03-01 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-07-05 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Aussie Bite Real Food. Real Taste. Real Good. |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Food And Drink Catering; Internet Caf? Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Food And Drink; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Providing Food And Drink; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Mobile Catering Services; Snack Bars; Hotels; Restaurants; Taverns |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-07-06 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-07-06 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed - Accepted |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-10-20 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-05-05 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Gab Real Food. Real Taste. Real Food. |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Food And Drink Catering; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Food And Drink; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Providing Food And Drink; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Mobile Catering Services; Snack Bars; Hotels; Restaurants; Taverns |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-08-05 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-08-05 |
Registered date: | 2009-08-05 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-11-19 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-06-03 |
Registered from date: | 2009-08-05 |
Sealing date: | 2010-03-15 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-08-05 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Cereal Killer |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Breakfast Cereals; Pancakes; Ice Cream; Confectionery; Biscuits; Snack Bars Consisting Of Chocolate; Snack Food Products Made From Cereals; Snacks Manufactured From Muesli |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-08-05 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-08-05 |
Registered date: | 2009-08-05 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-11-19 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-06-03 |
Registered from date: | 2009-08-05 |
Sealing date: | 2010-03-15 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-08-05 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Fishaholic |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-08-05 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-08-05 |
Registered date: | 2009-08-05 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-11-19 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-06-03 |
Registered from date: | 2009-08-05 |
Sealing date: | 2010-03-15 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-08-05 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Burgerholic |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-08-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-08-11 |
Registered date: | 2009-08-11 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-11-25 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-06-10 |
Registered from date: | 2009-08-11 |
Sealing date: | 2010-03-22 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-08-11 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Come As You Are |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-08-24 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-08-24 |
Registered date: | 2009-08-24 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-12-07 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-06-24 |
Registered from date: | 2009-08-24 |
Sealing date: | 2010-04-06 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-08-24 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Cheezasaurus |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Wrap (sandwich); Filled Bread Rolls; Cooking Sauces; Hamburgers In Buns; Sauces (condiments); Sandwiches |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-08-24 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-08-24 |
Registered date: | 2009-08-24 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-12-07 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-06-24 |
Registered from date: | 2009-08-24 |
Sealing date: | 2010-04-06 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-08-24 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Baconzilla |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Wrap (sandwich); Filled Bread Rolls; Cooking Sauces; Hamburgers In Buns; Sauces (condiments); Sandwiches; Pizza |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-08-24 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-08-24 |
Registered date: | 2009-08-24 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2009-12-07 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-06-24 |
Registered from date: | 2009-08-24 |
Sealing date: | 2010-04-06 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-08-24 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Double Down |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Wrap (sandwich); Filled Bread Rolls; Cooking Sauces; Hamburgers In Buns; Sauces (condiments); Sandwiches; Pizza; Sandwiches Containing Chicken |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-09-11 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-09-11 |
Registered date: | 2009-09-11 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-01-04 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-07-21 |
Registered from date: | 2009-09-11 |
Sealing date: | 2010-06-21 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-09-11 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Gab Real Food. Real Taste. Real Good. |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-10-05 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-10-05 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-03-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Panini Expresso |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels; Ice Cream Parlour Services |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-10-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-10-12 |
Registered date: | 2009-10-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-01-27 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-08-11 |
Registered from date: | 2009-10-12 |
Sealing date: | 2010-06-22 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-10-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Little Tasters |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels; Ice Cream Parlour Services |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-10-13 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-10-13 |
Registered date: | 2009-10-13 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-01-27 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-08-11 |
Registered from date: | 2009-10-13 |
Sealing date: | 2010-06-21 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-10-13 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Burgers Are Addictive |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels; Ice Cream Parlour Services |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-10-13 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-10-13 |
Registered date: | 2009-10-13 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-01-27 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-08-11 |
Registered from date: | 2009-10-13 |
Sealing date: | 2010-06-21 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-10-13 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Chicken Heaven |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Wrap (sandwich); Filled Bread Rolls; Cooking Sauces; Hamburgers In Buns; Sauces (condiments); Sandwiches; Sandwiches Containing Chicken |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-10-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-10-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Withdrawn |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-03 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-08-18 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Rockhard |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels |
Attorney code: | 489124 |
Agency code: | SF |
Transaction type: | Opponent agent code in opposition |
Suburb name: | Sydney |
Postcode: | 2001 |
Australian state codee: | NSW |
Attorney type: | Attorney |
Country code: | AU |
Status code: | 99 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | ST |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2010-05-18 |
Application withdrawal date: | 2010-07-16 |
Trade Marks act year: | 1995 |
Status of the opposition: | Finalised |
Opposition record created on: | 2010-05-21 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2015-03-20 |
Opposition status data: | Notice of Opposition|Due: 18-MAY-2010 |Lodged: 18-MAY-2010 |
Application date: | 2009-10-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-10-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Withdrawn |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-09 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-08-25 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Rockhard |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 4 |
NICE class code: | 40 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Brewing Of Beer |
Attorney code: | 307078 |
Agency code: | F7 |
Transaction type: | Opponent agent code in opposition |
Suburb name: | Melbourne |
Postcode: | 3001 |
Australian state codee: | VIC |
Attorney type: | Solicitor |
Country code: | AU |
Status code: | 99 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | ST |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2010-05-25 |
Application withdrawal date: | 2010-07-16 |
Trade Marks act year: | 1995 |
Status of the opposition: | Finalised |
Opposition record created on: | 2010-06-01 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2013-03-02 |
Opposition status data: | Notice of Opposition|Due: 25-MAY-2010 |Lodged: 25-MAY-2010 |
Application date: | 2009-10-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-10-28 |
Registered date: | 2009-10-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-11 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-09-04 |
Registered from date: | 2009-10-28 |
Sealing date: | 2010-06-21 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-10-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Great Oz Bite |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels; Ice Cream Parlour Services |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-10-29 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-10-29 |
Registered date: | 2009-10-29 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-12 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-09-04 |
Registered from date: | 2009-10-29 |
Sealing date: | 2010-06-21 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-10-29 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Edgy Veggie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Wrap (sandwich); Filled Bread Rolls; Cooking Sauces; Hamburgers In Buns; Sauces (condiments); Sandwiches; Pasta; Coffee; Cakes; Pizza; Ice Cream; Frozen Desserts; Prepared Desserts (confectionery); Prepared Desserts (pastries); Pasta Salads; Rice Salads; Noodle-based Prepared Meals; Prepared Meals Containing (principally) Pasta; Prepared Meals Containing (principally) Rice |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-11-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-11-12 |
Registered date: | 2009-11-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-26 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-09-18 |
Registered from date: | 2009-11-12 |
Sealing date: | 2010-09-17 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-11-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Burger Shot |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Wrap (sandwich); Filled Bread Rolls; Hamburgers In Buns; Sauces (condiments); Sandwiches |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-11-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-11-12 |
Registered date: | 2009-11-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-26 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-09-18 |
Registered from date: | 2009-11-12 |
Sealing date: | 2010-09-17 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-11-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Breakfast Not Brokefast |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-11-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-11-12 |
Registered date: | 2009-11-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-02-26 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-09-18 |
Registered from date: | 2009-11-12 |
Sealing date: | 2010-09-17 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-11-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Burgerholic |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 25 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Clothing; Hats; Shoes |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-11-24 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-11-24 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-05-11 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Big Beefy |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Wrap (sandwich); Filled Bread Rolls; Cooking Sauces; Hamburgers In Buns; Sauces (condiments); Sandwiches; Pasta; Pizza; Pasta Salads; Pies |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-11-24 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-11-24 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-06-11 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Breakfast In Bread |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Advisory Services Relating To Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Snack Bars; Hotels; Ice Cream Parlour Services |
Suburb name: | Bayswater |
Postcode: | 6053 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-12-08 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-12-08 |
Registered date: | 2009-12-08 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-03-22 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-10-08 |
Registered from date: | 2009-12-08 |
Sealing date: | 2010-08-23 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-12-08 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Win Bin |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 5 |
NICE class code: | 39 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Collection Of Industrial Waste; Waste Removal (transport) |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-12-08 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-12-08 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed - Accepted |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-03-22 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-10-08 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Win Bin Throw It In Australia Wins |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 5 |
NICE class code: | 39 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Collection Of Industrial Waste; Waste Removal (transport) |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2009-12-09 |
Lodgement date: | 2009-12-09 |
Registered date: | 2009-12-09 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-03-23 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-11-03 |
Registered from date: | 2009-12-09 |
Sealing date: | 2010-10-28 |
Renewal due date: | 2019-12-09 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Throw It In Australia Wins |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 5 |
NICE class code: | 6 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Rubbish Containers (bins) Of Metal; Waste Bins (large) Of Metal, For Industrial Use; Waste Bins (skips) Of Metal For Industrial Use |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-01-01 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-01-01 |
Registered date: | 2010-01-01 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-04-15 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-10-29 |
Registered from date: | 2010-01-01 |
Sealing date: | 2010-10-13 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-01-01 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Squealer |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Pasta; Wrap (sandwich); Sauces (condiments); Pies; Hot Dogs; Tacos; Pizza; Pasta; Muffins; Sandwiches; Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Rolls; Sausage Rolls |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-01-01 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-01-01 |
Registered date: | 2010-01-01 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-04-15 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-10-29 |
Registered from date: | 2010-01-01 |
Sealing date: | 2010-10-13 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-01-01 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Panini Express |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Cafes; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Food And Drink Catering; Providing Information, Including Online, About Services For Providing Food And Drink, And Temporary Accommodation; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Snack Bars; Hotels; Restaurants |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-01-06 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-01-06 |
Registered date: | 2010-01-06 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-04-20 |
Sealing due date: | 2010-11-06 |
Registered from date: | 2010-01-06 |
Sealing date: | 2010-10-11 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-01-06 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Omg |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 4 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Wrap (sandwich); Pies; Hot Dogs; Tacos; Muffins; Sandwiches; Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Coffee |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-03-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-03-10 |
Registered date: | 2010-03-10 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-06-24 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-01-08 |
Registered from date: | 2010-03-10 |
Sealing date: | 2011-01-10 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-03-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Get Stuffed |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 29 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Bacon; Sausages; Ham Products; Hamburgers (meat Patties); Poultry Products; Meat Products; Fish Products |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-03-21 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-03-21 |
Registered date: | 2010-03-21 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-07-05 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-01-22 |
Registered from date: | 2010-03-21 |
Sealing date: | 2011-01-10 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-03-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Daredevil |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Hamburgers In Buns; Sandwiches; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Pies; Pasta |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-03-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-03-28 |
Registered date: | 2010-03-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-07-12 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-01-29 |
Registered from date: | 2010-03-28 |
Sealing date: | 2011-01-10 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-03-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Hambo |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Pizza; Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Pies |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-03-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-03-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-09-18 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Jimbo |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Pizza; Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Pies |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-03-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-03-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-09-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Hammy |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Pizza; Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Pies |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-04-03 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-04-03 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-09-23 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Freshii |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Take Away Food Services; Cafes; Snack Bars |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-04-03 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-04-03 |
Registered date: | 2010-04-03 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-07-19 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-02-05 |
Registered from date: | 2010-04-03 |
Sealing date: | 2011-01-10 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-04-03 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Mooyah |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Snack Bars |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-04-05 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-04-05 |
Registered date: | 2010-04-05 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-07-19 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-02-05 |
Registered from date: | 2010-04-05 |
Sealing date: | 2011-02-01 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-04-05 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Ozlicious |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Snack Bars |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-04-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-04-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed - Accepted |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-07-26 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-02-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Pissaholic |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Snack Bars |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-04-12 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-04-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed - Accepted |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-07-26 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-02-12 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Beeraholic |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Snack Bars |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-04-18 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-04-18 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-10-08 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Star Brewery |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Snack Bars |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-05-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-05-04 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-11-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Brgr |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Cafes; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Coffee Shop Services; Snack Bars; Hotels |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-06-02 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-06-02 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Withdrawn |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-09-16 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-04-07 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Life Is Short. Stay Awake For It. |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 4 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Catering Services; Mobile Catering Services; Consultancy Services Relating To Food; Internet Cafe Services (provision Of Food And Drink Prepared For Consumption); Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Takeaway Food And Drink Services; Cafes; Snack Bars |
Attorney code: | 385385 |
Agency code: | MV |
Transaction type: | Opponent agent code in opposition |
Suburb name: | Melbourne |
Postcode: | 3000 |
Australian state codee: | VIC |
Attorney type: | Solicitor |
Country code: | AU |
Status code: | 99 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | ST |
Extension date to lodge a Notice of Opposition: | 2011-04-07 |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2011-04-07 |
Application withdrawal date: | 2011-06-02 |
Trade Marks act year: | 1995 |
Status of the opposition: | Finalised |
Opposition record created on: | 2011-01-14 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2013-03-02 |
Opposition status data: | Notice of Opposition|Due: 07-JAN-2011 |Extension: 07-APR-2011 |Lodged: 07-APR-2011 |
Application date: | 2010-06-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-06-20 |
Registered date: | 2010-06-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-11-10 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-05-25 |
Registered from date: | 2010-06-20 |
Sealing date: | 2011-03-31 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-06-20 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Omg |
Examination report number: | 3 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 35 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Retail Services; Retailing Of Goods (by Any Means); None Of The Aforementioned Being In Relation To Clothing, Hats Or Shoes |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-08-30 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-08-30 |
Registered date: | 2010-08-30 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-12-17 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-07-06 |
Registered from date: | 2010-08-30 |
Sealing date: | 2011-06-14 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-08-30 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Shredder |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Sandwiches Containing Chicken; Meat Pies; Pastries; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Meat; Pastries Consisting Of Vegetables And Poultry; Sandwiches Containing Fish Fillet; Muffins; Hot Dogs; Pizza; Bread Rolls; Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sausage Rolls; Spring Rolls; Pastry Products; Pasta; Crisps Made Of Potato Flour; Snack Food Products Made From Potato Flour |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-09-01 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-09-01 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2012-03-17 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Choppers |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Sandwiches; Wrap (sandwich); Hot Dogs; Pizza; Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-09-03 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-09-03 |
Registered date: | 2010-09-03 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2010-12-17 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-07-13 |
Registered from date: | 2010-09-03 |
Sealing date: | 2011-06-14 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-09-03 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Deckers |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-10-21 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-10-21 |
Registered date: | 2010-10-21 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-02-19 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-09-10 |
Registered from date: | 2010-10-21 |
Sealing date: | 2011-08-22 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-10-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Two Up Burger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-10-24 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-10-24 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed - Accepted |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-02-22 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-09-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Burger Junkie |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Cafes; Preparation Of Take-away And Fast Food; Restaurant Services For The Provision Of Fast Food; Food And Drink Catering; Mobile Catering Services; Takeaway Food And Drink Services |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-10-25 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-10-25 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2012-06-03 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Crunchburger |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-11-04 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-11-04 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2012-06-07 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Beetlejuice |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 32 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Waters (beverages); Fruit Juices; Vegetable Juices (beverages); Non-alcoholic Beverages; Electrolyte Replacement Beverages For General And Sports Purposes; Sports Drinks (non-medicated); Multi-vitamin Fruit Juice Beverages (not For Medical Use) |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-11-06 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-11-06 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2012-06-02 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Big Ass |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-11-14 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-11-14 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2012-06-08 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Toaster |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-12-28 |
Registered date: | 2010-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-04-19 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-10-28 |
Registered from date: | 2010-12-28 |
Sealing date: | 2011-08-05 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-12-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Juicy Lucy |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2010-12-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2010-12-28 |
Registered date: | 2010-12-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-05-04 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-11-19 |
Registered from date: | 2010-12-28 |
Sealing date: | 2011-11-02 |
Renewal due date: | 2020-12-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Big Bopper |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2011-01-10 |
Lodgement date: | 2011-01-10 |
Registered date: | 2011-01-10 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-05-23 |
Sealing due date: | 2011-12-02 |
Registered from date: | 2011-01-10 |
Sealing date: | 2011-11-21 |
Renewal due date: | 2021-01-10 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | In It Not On It |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2011-03-15 |
Lodgement date: | 2011-03-15 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2012-09-28 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Triple Bypass |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2011-03-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2011-03-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed - Accepted |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-07-15 |
Sealing due date: | 2012-01-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Doublicious |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Pies Containing Poultry; Burritos; Sausage Rolls; Pies |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2011-03-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2011-03-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2012-10-22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Triplicious |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Pies; Sausage Rolls; Hot Dogs |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2011-03-28 |
Lodgement date: | 2011-03-28 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed - Accepted |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-07-15 |
Sealing due date: | 2012-01-21 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Three Of A Kind |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Pies; Sausage Rolls; Hot Dogs |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2011-04-22 |
Lodgement date: | 2011-04-22 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2012-11-09 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | 1955 |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls; Sandwiches; Pizza |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2011-05-20 |
Lodgement date: | 2011-05-20 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed/Not Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2012-12-02 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Superstar |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2011-07-31 |
Lodgement date: | 2011-07-31 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed - Accepted |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-11-21 |
Sealing due date: | 2012-05-24 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Omg |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 29 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Meat Products; Snack Foods Consisting Principally Of Meat; Burgers (meat Patties); Sausages; Chips (french Fries); Salads; Chicken Products; Hot Dogs (sausages); Chips (french Fries); Potato Chips |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2011-07-31 |
Lodgement date: | 2011-07-31 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | Lapsed - Accepted |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | 2011-11-21 |
Sealing due date: | 2012-05-24 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Omg |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers, Pies, Sausage Rolls, Donuts, Pastries, Pasta, Sandwiches, Coffee |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Lodgement date: | 2009-11-12 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | AFS Indexing Approved |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Wake Up |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Wrap (sandwich); Muffins; Pastries; Coffee; Meal; Sandwiches; Filled Bread Rolls |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Lodgement date: | 2009-12-15 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Never Registered |
Status: | AFS Indexing Approved |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Ironman |
NICE class code: | 30 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Burgers Contained In Bread Rolls; Filled Bread Rolls |
Suburb name: | Tuart Hill |
Postcode: | 6939 |
Australian state code: | WA |
Country code: | AU |
Contains public sector information licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. Material on this website was obtained from publicly-accessible databases and is attributed to ©Commonwealth of Australia 2025 (, and, ©Intellectual Property Government Open Data 2025, ©ASIC - Company Register. While we try to make the information as precise and up-to-date as possible, we are aware the datasets are not always error-free. will not take responsibility for any errors in the databases. The material provided should be treated as a starting point of more in-depth research, not as fact.