Plastec Australia Pty Ltd

Status: Registered
Australian Company Number: 093513467
Australian Business Number: 88093513467
Registration date: 2000-06-28
Type: Australian proprietary company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Proprietary other
last updated


Plastec Australia Pty Ltd is a limited by shares Australian proprietary company. Located at QLD 4551 since 2000-07-14 the company is, as the updated on 2000-07-14 ABN database shows, registered. The company has been registered for Goods & Services Tax since 2000-07-01. Known company numbers for Plastec Australia Pty Ltd are as follows: ACN - 093513467, Australian Business Number - 88093513467. AUBiz found 8 trademarks that reference the abovementioned company. 1994-10-24 is the date the documents needed to start the registration process of trademark no 643833 were submitted. This trademark is categorised as "composite" and its application status is "never registered, dead". Other company trademarks include trademark number 1135513, application status "registered, live", registered on 2006-09-14 in the "word" category;trademark number 1142844, application status: "never registered, live".

Details for ABN 88093513467

Type: Australian Private Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 2000-07-01 current

Main Name

Name From To
Plastec Australia Pty Ltd 2000-07-14 current

Main Location

Location From To
QLD 4551 2000-07-14 current

Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Status From To
Registered 2000-07-01 current


Company Trademarks

Trademark number: 643833

General information:
Application date: 1994-10-24
Lodgement date: 1994-10-24
Live or dead: Dead
CPI status: Never Registered
Status: Withdrawn
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Composite
Acceptance due date: 1997-01-03
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Quick And Easy Clips Quick's The Trick
Device phrases: Bolt Or Clip In Rect.
Examination report number: 3
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 17
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Clips Injection Moulded From Polypropylene Plastic
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Moffat Beach
Postcode: 4551
Australian state code: QLD
Country code: AU

Trademark number: 1135513

General information:
Application date: 2006-09-14
Lodgement date: 2006-09-14
Registered date: 2006-09-14
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Registered
Status: Registered/Protected
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 2007-07-30
Sealing due date: 2008-02-16
Registered from date: 2006-09-14
Sealing date: 2007-11-26
Renewal due date: 2016-09-14
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Plastec
Examination report number: 1
Examination class count: 2
NICE class code: 19
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Non-metallic Building Materials In This Class; Non-metallic Pipes; Plumbing Fittings In This Class Including Floor Wastes, Waste Connectors, Floor Drain Covers, Floor Drain Grates, Cover Plates, Drains, Drain Assemblies, Plugs, Water Traps, Pan Connectors, Pipe Supports, Pipe Connectors, Pipe Clips; Vent Stacks Including Vent Top Stacks, Bathroom Fittings In This Class, Fire Collars; And Plumbing Fittings Made Of Plastic
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Caloundra
Postcode: 4551
Australian state code: QLD
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 432331
Agency code: IG
Transaction type: Address for service of the trademark
Suburb name: Springwood
Postcode: 4127
Australian state codee: QLD
Attorney type: Trade Mark Agent
Country code: AU

Trademark number: 1142844

General information:
Application date: 2006-10-26
Lodgement date: 2006-10-26
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Never Registered
Status: Lapsed/Not Protected
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 2008-05-09
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: Online
Descriptive: Ecosafe
Examination report number: 1
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 19
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Non-metallic Building Materials In This Class; Non-metallic Pipes; Plumbing Fittings In This Class Including Floor Drain Grates, Floor Wastes, Waste Connectors, Floor Drain Covers, Cover Plates, Drains, Drain Assemblies, Plugs, Pan Connectors, Pipe Supports, Pipe Connectors, Pipe Clips And Leak Control Devices; Vents; Stacks Including Vent Top Stacks; Bathroom Fittings Including Tapware; Fire Collars; And Plumbing Fittings Made Of Plastic
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Caloundra
Postcode: 4551
Australian state code: QLD
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 432331
Agency code: IG
Transaction type: Address for service of the trademark
Suburb name: Springwood
Postcode: 4127
Australian state codee: QLD
Attorney type: Trade Mark Agent
Country code: AU

Company Patents

Patent Application Number: 2008200889

General information:

Application date: 2008-02-26
Patent status: Lapsed

Either the application has not been accepted by 21 months after the first examination report (or 12 months after the Raising the Bar Act) or some other deadline in the prosecution process has not been completed in time, for example IP Australia has issued a direction to file a request for examination and the applicant has not done so in the required period (2 months).

Patent type: STANDARD
Primary IPC mark: E03C 1/29

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: E03C 1/28
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006-01-01
Section code: E - fixed constructions
Class code: 3 - water supply; sewerage
Subclass code: C - domestic plumbing installations for fresh water or waste water (not connected to either water-supply main or to waste pipe a47k; devices of the kind used in the ground e03b, e03f); sinks
Main group code: 1 - domestic plumbing installations for fresh water or waste water; sinks
Subgroup code: 28 - odour seals
Mark type: Later (ie Secondary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2008-03-13
Classification type code: Original
Classification source code: Human

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PAMS
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request filing date: 2011-02-18
Requested examination type: Request Full Examination
First report issue date: 2012-04-19
Further report issue date: 2013-06-14
Examination section: C5 Mechanical
Expiry date: 2028-02-26
Earliest priority date: 2007-02-26
Effective patent date: 2008-02-26
OPI published in journal date: 2008-09-11
Continue renew fee paid date: 2014-01-13
Patent in force to: 2015-02-26

Early terminations:

Application status: Lapsed
Applied date: 2014-01-20
Reason description: Did Not Gain Acceptance Within The Prescribed Time.
Published date: 2014-02-13

Patent Application Number: 2014100915

General information:

Application date: 2014-08-12
Patent status: Sealed

What happens 3 months after acceptance, assuming there are no oppositions filed. The Status 'sealed' was replaced with 'granted' with IP reform implementation, but from a systems perspective the two statuses are identical.

Patent type: INNOVATION
Primary IPC mark: E03F 7/04

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: F16K 15/00
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006-01-01
Section code: F - mechanical engineeringlighting; heating; weapons; blasting
Class code: 16 - engineering elements or units; general measures for producing and maintaining effective functioning of machines or installations; thermal insulation in general
Subclass code: K - valves; taps; cocks; actuating-floats; devices for venting or aerating
Main group code: 15 - check valves (valves specially adapted for inflatable balls a63b0041000000)
Mark type: Later (ie Secondary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2014-08-12
Classification type code: Original
Classification source code: Human

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PAMS
Patent classification type: Innovation
Expiry date: 2018-07-20
Earliest priority date: 2009-07-21
Sealing date: 2014-08-28
Effective patent date: 2010-07-20
Patent in force to: 2015-07-20

Patent Application Number: 2008101319

General information:

Application date: 2008-02-26
Patent status: Sealed

What happens 3 months after acceptance, assuming there are no oppositions filed. The Status 'sealed' was replaced with 'granted' with IP reform implementation, but from a systems perspective the two statuses are identical.

Patent type: INNOVATION
Primary IPC mark: E03D 11/13

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: E03D 11/13
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006-01-01
Section code: E - fixed constructions
Class code: 3 - water supply; sewerage
Subclass code: D - water-closets or urinals with flushing devices; flushing valves therefor
Main group code: 11 - other component parts of water-closets (pipe joints or couplings in general f16l)
Subgroup code: 13 - parts or details of bowls; special adaptations of pipe joints or couplings for use with bowls
Mark type: First (ie Primary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2013-07-31
Classification type code: Original
Classification source code: Human

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PAMS
Patent classification type: Innovation
Expiry date: 2016-02-26
Earliest priority date: 2007-02-26
Sealing date: 2013-08-08
Effective patent date: 2008-02-26
Continue renew fee paid date: 2015-01-20
Patent in force to: 2016-02-26

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QLD 4551 Location

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