Naturaliste Finance And Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd

Status: Registered
Australian Company Number: 111036910
Australian Business Number: 88111036910
Registration date: 2004-09-20
Type: Australian proprietary company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Proprietary other
last updated


Naturaliste Finance And Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd is a limited by shares Australian proprietary company. Located at WA 6101 since 2020-10-21 the company is, as the updated on 2020-10-21 ABN database shows, registered. Known company numbers for Naturaliste Finance And Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd are as follows: ACN - 111036910, Australian Business Number - 88111036910. Naturaliste Finance And Insurance Solutions is an example of a business name Naturaliste Finance And Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd used. The complete list includes 1 solitary business name. Naturaliste Finance And Insurance Solutions was the company's business name from 2010-06-10 until 2012-02-13. This Australian proprietary company was previously located in WA 6112 (from 2020-07-07 to 2020-10-21), WA 6280 (from 2019-11-19 to 2020-07-07), WA 6280 (from 2014-09-22 to 2019-11-19).

Details for ABN 88111036910

Type: Australian Private Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 2005-01-03 current

Main Name

Name From To
Naturaliste Finance And Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd 2005-01-03 current

Business Names

Name From To
Naturaliste Finance And Insurance Solutions 2010-06-10 2012-02-13

Main Location

Location From To
WA 6101 2020-10-21 current
WA 6112 2020-07-07 2020-10-21
WA 6280 2019-11-19 2020-07-07
WA 6280 2014-09-22 2019-11-19
WA 6280 2014-01-15 2014-09-22
WA 6280 2005-01-03 2014-01-15


Financial Services Authorised Representative data

Licence number: 000233750

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000284220
Appointment status Current
AFS authorised representative start date 2015-04-16
AFS Representative's principal business address Armadale
WA 6112
Cross endorsements 000232706
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives No
Australian Financial Services authorisations: Provide financial product advice
Deal in a financial product/Apply for, acquire, vary or dispose of financial products on behalf of another
Deal in a financial product/Issue, apply for, acquire, vary or dispose of a financial product
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee Yes
last updated : 2016-05-29

Licence number: 000232703

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000284220
Appointment status Ceased
AFS authorised representative start date 2011-05-09
AFS authorised representative end date 2011-12-02
AFS Representative's principal business address Armadale
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives No
Australian Financial Services authorisations:
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee No
last updated : 2016-05-29

Licence number: 000232706

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000284220
Appointment status Current
AFS authorised representative start date 2010-07-12
AFS Representative's principal business address Kelmscott
WA 6111
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives No
Australian Financial Services authorisations: Provide financial product advice
Deal in a financial product/Apply for, acquire, vary or dispose of financial products on behalf of another
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee No
last updated : 2016-05-29

Licence number: 000238478

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000284220
Appointment status Ceased
AFS authorised representative start date 2009-03-24
AFS authorised representative end date 2010-07-01
AFS Representative's principal business address Armadale
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives No
Australian Financial Services authorisations:
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee Yes
last updated : 2016-05-29

Licence number: 000236523

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000284220
Appointment status Ceased
AFS authorised representative start date 2007-10-02
AFS authorised representative end date 2009-03-24
AFS Representative's principal business address Armadale
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives Yes
Australian Financial Services authorisations:
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee Yes
last updated : 2016-05-29

Licence number: 000239187

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000284220
Appointment status Ceased
AFS authorised representative start date 2006-05-08
AFS authorised representative end date 2007-10-01
AFS Representative's principal business address Armadale
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives No
Australian Financial Services authorisations:
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee No
last updated : 2016-05-29

Licence number: 000239183

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000284220
Appointment status Ceased
AFS authorised representative start date 2006-05-08
AFS authorised representative end date 2006-05-08
AFS Representative's principal business address Dunsborough
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives No
Australian Financial Services authorisations:
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee No
last updated : 2016-05-29

Licence number: 000239545

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000284220
Appointment status Ceased
AFS authorised representative start date 2005-04-28
AFS authorised representative end date 2006-01-16
AFS Representative's principal business address Dunsborough
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives Yes
Australian Financial Services authorisations:
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee No
last updated : 2016-05-29

Credit Representative

Licence number: 232706

Register Name Credit Representative
Credit Representative number 382328
Start date 2010-12-22
Principal business address Armadale
WA 6112
Member of Financial Ombudsman Service
Credit representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee Different to Registrant

Find company

WA 6101 Location

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