Cleanaway Industries Pty Ltd

Status: Registered
Current name since: 2019-06-05
Name in the ASICs register: Cleanaway Industries Pty Ltd
Australian Company Number: 058596124
Australian Business Number: 27058596124
Registration date: 1993-01-11
Type: Australian proprietary company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Proprietary other
last updated


Cleanaway Industries Pty Ltd is a limited by shares, Australian proprietary company. This corporation was registered on 1993-01-11 and was issued with the 058596124 ACN. Its Australian Business Number is 27058596124. Since 2020-02-04, the company is headquartered in VIC, post code 3004. The previous headquarters were located in WA 6017 (from 2015-11-27 to 2020-02-04), WA 6009 (from 2014-09-21 to 2015-11-27), and WA 6009 (from 2013-12-17 to 2014-09-21). Cleanaway Industries Pty Ltd was registered for the GST on 2000-07-01. Cleanaway Industries Pty Ltd has been using the Tox Free Solutions Limited trading name since 2000-07-11 (it needs to be noted that the Australian Business Register no longer collects or updates trading names). In total the company used 1 trading name. The company has also used 2 business names, namely Ptw Environmental from 2018-02-12 to 2019-06-27, Pilbara Development Foundation from 2017-09-16. The above data comes from the ABN database which was updated on 2021-04-16. Aubiznet found 10 trademarks that mention this company. Trademark number 887064 was filed on 2001-08-24 and is categorised as "word" (application status: "registered, live"). Other company trademarks include trademark number 989218 registered on 2004-02-16 in the "word" category (application status/date: "registered, live", 2004-02-16); and trademark number 1154351 registered on 2006-12-29 in the "device" category (application status/date: "registered, live", 2006-12-29).

Details for ABN 27058596124

Type: Australian Private Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 2000-06-07 current

Main Name

Name From To
Cleanaway Industries Pty Ltd 2019-04-11 current
Tox Free Solutions Limited 2000-07-11 2019-04-11
Tox Free Systems Pty Ltd 2000-06-07 2000-07-11

Business Names

Name From To
Ptw Environmental 2018-02-12 2019-06-27
Pilbara Development Foundation 2017-09-16 2021-04-16

Trading Names

Name From To
Tox Free Solutions Limited 2000-07-11 current

Main Location

Location From To
VIC 3004 2020-02-04 current
WA 6017 2015-11-27 2020-02-04
WA 6009 2014-09-21 2015-11-27
WA 6009 2013-12-17 2014-09-21
WA 6009 2001-03-27 2013-12-17

Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Status From To
Registered 2000-07-01 current


Company Trademarks

Trademark number: 887064

General information:
Application date: 2001-08-24
Lodgement date: 2001-08-24
Registered date: 2001-08-24
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Registered
Status: Registered/Protected
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 2002-01-31
Sealing due date: 2002-08-14
Registered from date: 2001-08-24
Sealing date: 2002-05-22
Renewal due date: 2021-08-24
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Dolocrete
Examination report number: 1
Examination class count: 2
NICE class code: 40
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Treatment Of Waste Materials; Encapsulation Of Hazardous Chemicals, Sludges And Radioactive Materials; Immobilisation Of Chemical Contaminants; Recycling And/or Disposal Of Waste Products
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Nedlands
Postcode: 6009
Australian state code: WA
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 449965
Agency code: TU
Transaction type: Address for service of the trademark
Suburb name: Mount Waverley
Postcode: 3149
Australian state codee: VIC
Attorney type: Solicitor
Country code: AU

Trademark number: 989218

General information:
Application date: 2004-02-16
Lodgement date: 2004-02-16
Registered date: 2004-02-16
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Registered
Status: Registered/Protected
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Word
Acceptance due date: 2004-06-01
Sealing due date: 2004-12-17
Registered from date: 2004-02-16
Sealing date: 2004-09-27
Renewal due date: 2024-02-16
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Dolomatrix
Examination report number: 1
Examination class count: 2
NICE class code: 40
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Treatment Of Waste Materials; Encapsulation Of Hazardous Chemicals, Sludges And Radioactive Materials; Immobilisation Of Chemical Contaminants; Recycling And/or Disposal Of Waste Products
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Nedlands
Postcode: 6009
Australian state code: WA
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 449965
Agency code: TU
Transaction type: Address for service of the trademark
Suburb name: Mount Waverley
Postcode: 3149
Australian state codee: VIC
Attorney type: Solicitor
Country code: AU

Trademark number: 1154351

General information:
Application date: 2006-12-29
Lodgement date: 2006-12-29
Registered date: 2006-12-29
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Registered
Status: Registered/Protected
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Device
Acceptance due date: 2008-07-31
Sealing due date: 2009-02-14
Registered from date: 2006-12-29
Sealing date: 2008-11-24
Renewal due date: 2016-12-29
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Goods and services assistance: No
Lodgement type: Online
Device phrases: Arrow,circular,segmented Forms Ring
Examination report number: 3
Examination class count: 3
NICE class code: 40
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Treatment Of Waste Materials; Collection And Decontamination Of Hazardous Materials And Chemicals; Destruction Of Waste And Trash; Incineration Of Waste And Trash; Recycling And Disposal Of Waste And Trash; Resource Recovery, Chemical Treatment, Chemical Fixation, Surplus Chemical Trading, Laboratory Relocations, Decontamination, And Site Remediation; Sorting And Transformation Of Waste And Recyclable Material
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Nedlands
Postcode: 6009
Australian state code: WA
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 449965
Agency code: TU
Transaction type: Address for service of the trademark
Suburb name: Mount Waverley
Postcode: 3149
Australian state codee: VIC
Attorney type: Solicitor
Country code: AU

Company Patents

Patent Application Number: 2002339240

General information:

Application date: 2004-04-08
Patent status: Lapsed

Either the application has not been accepted by 21 months after the first examination report (or 12 months after the Raising the Bar Act) or some other deadline in the prosecution process has not been completed in time, for example IP Australia has issued a direction to file a request for examination and the applicant has not done so in the required period (2 months).

Patent type: NPE
Primary IPC mark: C10B 47/22
WIPO Application Number: WO2003/042289
Original WIPO Application Number: WO03/42289
PCT Application Number: PCT/AU2002/001543
Original PCT Application Number: PCT/AU02/01543

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: C10B 53/07
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006-01-01
Section code: C - chemistrymetallurgy
Class code: 10 - petroleum, gas or coke industries; technical gases containing carbon monoxide; fuels; lubricants; peat
Subclass code: B - destructive distillation of carbonaceous materials for production of gas, coke, tar, or similar materials (cracking oils c10g; underground gasification of minerals e21b0043295000)
Main group code: 53 - destructive distillation, specially adapted for particular solid raw materials or solid raw materials in special form (wet carbonising of peat c10f)
Subgroup code: 7 - of synthetic polymeric materials, e.g. tyres (recovery or working-up of waste materials of organic macromolecular compounds or compositions based thereon by dry-heat treatment for obtaining partially depolymerised materials c08j0011100000; production of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures from rubber or rubber waste c10g0001100000)
Mark type: Later (ie Secondary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2005-10-08
Classification type code: Reclassification
Classification source code: Machine using propagation

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PAMS
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request date: 2005-09-16
Examination request filing date: 2006-03-08
Requested examination type: Request Full Examination
First report issue date: 2007-01-18
Examination section: B1 Chemical Engineering
Expiry date: 2022-11-12
Earliest priority date: 2001-11-12
WIPO publication date: 2003-05-22
Effective patent date: 2002-11-12
OPI published in journal date: 2003-07-24
Continue renew fee paid date: 2007-10-05
Patent in force to: 2008-11-12

Early terminations:

Application status: Lapsed
Applied date: 2008-10-19
Reason description: Did Not Gain Acceptance Within The Prescribed Time.
Published date: 2008-11-13

Patent Application Number: 1999021206

General information:

Old Application Number: 21206/99

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: B09C 1/06
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006-01-01
Section code: B - performing operationstransporting
Class code: 9 - disposal of solid waste; reclamation of contaminated soil
Subclass code: C - reclamation of contaminated soil (gatherers for removing stones or the like from the soil a01b0043000000; sterilising soil by steam a01g0011000000; separation in general b01d; cleaning beaches e01h0012000000; removing undesirable matter, e.g. rubbish, from the land e01h0015000000)
Main group code: 1 - reclamation of contaminated soil (processes for making harmful chemical substances harmless or less harmful by affecting a chemical change in the substances a62d0003000000)
Subgroup code: 6 - thermally (incinerators for contaminated soil f23g0007140000)
Mark type: First (ie Primary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2006-04-08
Classification type code: Reclassification
Classification source code: Machine using propagation

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PATADMIN
Mainframe patent number: 712838
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request date: 1999-04-28
Examination request filing date: 1999-05-21
Requested examination type: Full Examination Following Direction
First report issue date: 1999-08-02
Examination section: B1
Expiry date: 2016-10-04
Earliest priority date: 1995-10-06
Acceptance Notice date: 1999-11-18
Sealing date: 2000-03-02
Effective patent date: 1996-10-04
Continue renew fee paid date: 2010-10-01
Patent in force to: 2011-10-04

Early terminations:

Application status: Ceased
Reason description: Application Ceased
Published date: 2012-06-14

Patent Application Number: 1996070804

General information:

WIPO Application Number: WO1997/013594
Original WIPO Application Number: WO97/13594
PCT Application Number: PCT/AU1996/000628
Original PCT Application Number: PCT/AU96/00628
Old Application Number: 70804/96

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: B01D 46/24
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006-01-01
Section code: B - performing operationstransporting
Class code: 1 - physical or chemical processes or apparatus in general
Subclass code: D - separation (separating solids from solids by wet methods b03b, b03d, by pneumatic jigs or tables b03b, by other dry methods b07; magnetic or electrostatic separation of solid materials from solid materials or fluids, separation by high-voltage electric fields b03c; centrifuges b04b; presses per se for squeezing-out liquid from liquid-containing material b30b0009020000)
Main group code: 46 - filters or filtering processes specially modified for separating dispersed particles from gases or vapours (filtering elements b01d0024000000-b01d0035000000; filtering material b01d0039000000; their regeneration outside the filters b01d0041000000)
Subgroup code: 24 - particle separators, e.g. dust precipitators, using rigid hollow filter bodies
Mark type: Later (ie Secondary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2006-04-08
Classification type code: Reclassification
Classification source code: Machine using propagation

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PATADMIN
Mainframe patent number: 705861
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request date: 1998-05-13
Examination request filing date: 1998-06-15
Requested examination type: Full Examination Following Direction
First report issue date: 1998-06-25
Examination section: B1
Expiry date: 2016-10-04
Earliest priority date: 1995-10-06
Acceptance Notice date: 1999-06-03
Sealing date: 1999-09-16
Effective patent date: 1996-10-04
OPI published in journal date: 1997-06-26
Continue renew fee paid date: 2010-10-01
Patent in force to: 2011-10-04

Early terminations:

Application status: Ceased
Reason description: Application Ceased
Published date: 2012-06-14

Government contract data

Latest 2015 contracts

Date Description Agency Value
2015-03-03 Water and wastewater treatment supply and disposal Defence Materiel Organisation
344 157.00
2015-02-03 Fire fighting equipment Defence Materiel Organisation 265 411.30

Latest 2014 contracts

Date Description Agency Value
2014-09-02 Water and wastewater treatment supply and disposal Defence Materiel Organisation
135 193.30
2014-03-11 Water and wastewater treatment supply and disposal Defence Materiel Organisation 99 291.50
2014-03-11 Water and wastewater treatment supply and disposal Defence Materiel Organisation 341 154.00

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VIC 3004 Location

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