Ferntree Gully Autos Pty Ltd

Status: Registered
Current name since: 2013/09/16
Name in the ASICs register: Ferntree Gully Autos Pty Ltd
Australian Company Number: 145562401
Australian Business Number: 92145562401
Address: 1101 Burwood Hwy Ferntree Gully VIC 3156 (business name: Ferntree Gully Toyota)
Registration date: 2010/08/03
Type: Australian proprietary company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Proprietary other
last updated


Ferntree Gully Autos Pty Ltd is a limited by shares, Australian proprietary company. This corporation was registered on 2010-08-03 and was issued with the 145562401 ACN. Its Australian Business Number is 92145562401. Since 2014-09-13, the company is headquartered in WA, post code 6005. The previous headquarters were located in WA 6005 (from 2010-09-01 to 2014-09-13). Ferntree Gully Autos Pty Ltd was registered for the GST on 2010-09-01. The company has also used 2 business names, namely Ferntree Gully Toyota from 2010-12-15 to 2021-12-05, Graham Werner Toyota from 2010-11-10. The above data comes from the ABN database which was updated on 2021-12-05.

Details for ABN 92145562401

Type: Australian Private Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 2010/09/01 current

Main Name

Name From To
Ferntree Gully Autos Pty Ltd 2010/09/01 current

Business Names

Name From To
Ferntree Gully Toyota 2010/12/15 2021/12/05
Graham Werner Toyota 2010/11/10 2012/03/01

Main Location

Location From To
WA 6005 2014/09/13 current
WA 6005 2010/09/01 2014/09/13

Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Status From To
Registered 2010/09/01 current


Business names details

Ferntree Gully Toyota

Status registered
Registration date 2010/12/15
Renewal date 2016/12/15
Address for service of documents 21 Old Aberdeen Pl West Perth WA 6005
Principal place of business 1101 Burwood Hwy Ferntree Gully VIC 3156
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier B2336310D
Former state territory VIC

Graham Werner Toyota

Status Cancelled
Registration date 1979/03/01
Renewal date 2012/03/01
Cancelled date 2012/03/01
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 0447248Z
Former state territory VIC


Financial Services Authorised Representative data

Licence number: 000392536

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000385109
Appointment status Current
AFS authorised representative start date 2014/01/01
AFS Representative's principal business address Ferntree Gully
VIC 3156
Cross endorsements 000234708
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives Yes
Australian Financial Services authorisations: Provide general financial product advice only
Arrange for a person to deal in a financial product/Issue, apply for, acquire, vary or dispose of a financial product
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee No
AFS representative business name FERNTREE GULLY TOYOTA
last updated : 2016/05/29

Licence number: 000234708

Register Name AFS Representative
AFS Representative Number 000385109
Appointment status Current
AFS authorised representative start date 2010/09/30
AFS Representative's principal business address West Perth
WA 6005
Can appoint other Australian Financial Services representatives Yes
Australian Financial Services authorisations: Provide general financial product advice only
Deal in a financial product/Issue, apply for, acquire, vary or dispose of a financial product
AFS authorised representative will be assigned licence authorisations by the licensee No
AFS representative business name FERNTREE GULLY TOYOTA
last updated : 2016/05/29

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Contains public sector information licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. Material on this website was obtained from publicly-accessible databases and is attributed to ©Commonwealth of Australia 2024 (http://data.gov.au, http://acnc.gov.au/ and http://abr.business.gov.au/), ©Intellectual Property Government Open Data 2024, ©ASIC - Company Register. While we try to make the information as precise and up-to-date as possible, we are aware the datasets are not always error-free. Aubiz.net will not take responsibility for any errors in the databases. The material provided should be treated as a starting point of more in-depth research, not as fact.